putting camper on a 40 acre parcel?


5 year old buck +
Has anyone ever put a camper for hunting on their property and have it deter deer movement? My wife wants to put a camper on our property for a getaway for mushroom hunting and me for bowhunting. I have 4 bucks that will be over 4 years of age next year that visit my land frequently and I think 2 of them make my land their core area. i don't want to do anything to change that. The place we would set it is going up our hill on the edge of our land and their would not be a stand within 125 yards of it. Right now there are no main deer trails near it and the camper would be hidden from my top food plot and my hinge cut areas. To get to my land I have about a quarter mile easment that cuts between corn and bean fields. Am I wrong to think that being there would be better so in the morning you wouldn't spook deer out of fields driving back. Any input is appreciated. Thanks Scoot
I have a camper on my 40. Only issue is deer typically will know when you're there. I use this to my advantage when hunting by parking my truck out at the road and walk in silently to stand. Deer are on their feet much earlier when I do this but you have to have great access points which I do. On a side note I have had deer walk right past my camper when I was in it so they definitely get used to it.
As far as hunting in the morning goes, I've had better luck not leaving from camper but rather just showing up and heading to stand. But this situation would depend on the layout of food vs cover.
I would do it, even if you don't use it for hunting season. Momma wants camper on place, you find least invasive spot for camper, this plan keeps momma happy. If you have to drive or walk through a 1/4 mile of field that deer are going to be in when you get there, you are better off staying in the camper, IMO. Besides, I would think it would be nice to have a place to kick back for a bit on days when you are out there working on the land, you could even spend the night and not have to drive home and back, just to work on the place 2 days in a row.
No concerns the deer will get used to it. Firepit, summer bbq/keggers/fireworks could be an issue.
Hey was that a shot at me ;):D
We have a food plot in the "front yard" of a camper. Does and bucks use it all year, including during the daytime. When we are there and making noise they hang close but just out of view. Go inside for an hour or so and there is a good chance something will be on the plot. We rarely hunt over this plot.

Being able to sleep on the property gives us the ability to make short quiet walks to our stands vs the higher impact of vehicle traffic. The camper may deter some activity in the immediate area but it will also create some nice predictable trails the deer will use to skirt around your campsite.
thanks for the replies, yeah I have no idea how many deer i may have spooked driving back my easement road, but if I already there maybe I can beat them back to their beds in the morning.
I would say frequent use so they get used to you being there is better than it just being there every so often that might put them on high alert.
Can 7000 square feet be called a cabin? Maybe lodge is more appropriate. The 8 baths must be nice, should never have to wait....getting ready in the morning I mean.:D
No a shot at my cabin.7,000 feet, 8 bedroom, 8 bath, bunkroom, sleeps 36, firepit, trap, ect.it ruined my west 40. Girls weekends, guys weekends, utv. My son rolls in with 9 from the u tommorow. Turkey hunt, golf, trap, 700 yard .338 shooting, utv, ect.
I agree that would drastically change a 40. Good thing you have a lot more than 40, and an insane DPSM working in your favor. I'd bet with all the memories made at your "resort hotel" you would do the same thing over again and wouldn't trade it for anything.
The camper alone isn't the issue - it's the associated activity that typically comes with it.
My bro in law used to back a 5th wheel into the heart of an 80 a week before gun season. My bow time was done as the deer hunting went in the toilet. I know its not identical to what you describe but changing their world after the horns are hard would spook me.

On the flip side my cabin sits in the middle of a peninsula of woods and creates a nice deer 'dead zone' for stand access if you plan the layout of deer activity around it.
We have a couple campers on an 80. We keep a low profile and stay as low key as possible. It seems once mid September rolls around the people come out of the wood work. What's silent all summer now becomes hunting, fishing, four wheeling, wood cutting, and target shooting time. I wouldn't worry about it. Create a good way to use it and most likely if something else happens it will be the unpredictable outside influences that will screw things up.
It must have been fun hunting before every knuckle head had a four wheeler, gps and an AR with a big clip!
We had a camper on our 10 acre parcel years back. :eek:
They will definitely get used to you in time. From my shack, I can watch deer year round casually stroll and feed through the 3ft spruce plantation, and I can watch them feed in two of my plots. One is 225 yards away and the other a mere 75 yards. We harass them as little as possible, but don't avoid habitat work or stand improvements. I shot our largest buck to date last year on that plot that is 75 yards from and in full view of the shack. Just give them as much space as possible.
My wife's uncle had a 40 acre parcel. It was a sweet parcel with a creek and nice woods. He always complained about not seeing and/or shooting any deer. I could not figure it out.

The he gave me the tour. He had an outhouse right smack in the middle of it, that he used a few days prior to and during the hunting season. The mystery was solved.
You can use a camper but location is key. It should be on the east side of the property if possible with access/from the east. I don't see a problem with hunting as long as you are quiet up to and during hunting. Should not be a problem.
thanks guys and it would be on northeast corner of my land, I access mostly from the east
You can use a camper but location is key. It should be on the east side of the property if possible with access/from the east. I don't see a problem with hunting as long as you are quiet up to and during hunting. Should not be a problem.
Great thought Freeborn. I was thinking that the 3 acres in the extreme SE corner of the property would be the perfect place for a "basecamp". But I suppose the NE would be the next best thing. Keep the overall area small and as close to the road as you are comfortable with.
Great thought Freeborn. I was thinking that the 3 acres in the extreme SE corner of the property would be the perfect place for a "basecamp". But I suppose the NE would be the next best thing. Keep the overall area small and as close to the road as you are comfortable with.
The homestead on my new place is in the far SE corner with access to it from the SE! Only an acre or two is a dead zone which is nice only having limited acres. On my pops place we drive through the heart of the property every time in and out of our trailer. We try to limit our movements during hunting seasons.