Puff Balls


5 year old buck +
I’ve got a couple dozen of these in the orchard baseball size.
Dozens more on the mowed trails in the pasture from tennis ball size to dodgeball size. Some brownish skin some cream colored.
I know some people like them…I think they taste like dirt. Have tried to cook them a lot of ways the still tasted like dirt.


Agreed, don’t like chicken of the woods either. Oysters, chanterelles and shaggy manes are good
I tried them once and I agree with your comment they tasted like dirt.
Agreed, don’t like chicken of the woods either. Oysters, chanterelles and shaggy manes are good

I’ve had chickens a couple times. I liked them enough I’d eat them again if I found them.

Don’t ever eat pheasant backs raw. Few people here know my story. It was explosive.

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I had king Boulet mushrooms in Colorado elk hunting one year that where excellent we didn’t kill an elk but we stuffed ourselves for a week on those mushrooms.
Never could bring myself to try a puffball. After kicking about a million of the things around the pastures as a kid I just never saw them as appetizing.

Chants are good, but I really have to be in the mood for them to go fight the ticks.

Hen of the woods are pretty good.

Oysters are worth looking for.

Morels are KING!
Catscratch - you gotta harvest puffballs before they get to the 'puff' stage. That said - and I've eaten a bunch - there's not a lot of flavor... they pretty much take on whatever you cook them in... here, that would be butter or bacon grease.

Caught a really nice Chicken of the Woods a month or so back, but have not found any more.
Had a big old elm split its top out in a wind event last year... top finally detached and fell into the woods road. Cut it into short enough sections that I could shove them out of the road... now supporting a nice flush of 'summer' oysters (P.pulmonarius).
Morels have gotten harder and harder to find in my woods. That said, I'd rather have CotW, anyway.
At best, they don't taste like anything. Like everyone, I prefer morels. Chicken of the Woods is 2nd place for me.