Protection? DCO and A. Chinquapin


5 year old buck +
Window screen?

Planted them today, want to have protection by dark. Which is best for these?
No answer for you, but I've been wondering same thing. When I researched it, seemed like tubes would work for a year or two, but then fencing would be needed for them to survive after they pop out of tubes. Fencing dozens or hundreds becomes cost prohibitive. So... Good question.
Hopefully someone with experience can chime in. I really just need to know if deer will eat them. If not then I can just screen them high enough to keep the rats and rabbits off them.

If deer like them that's a whole other level of protection.
I'm thinking deer like them. We have a chinkapin on the property. We call it the "magical nut tree" because deer seem to prefer the acorns over other red and white oak acorns. The fact that there are no little ones growing up around it leads me to believe they may like more than just the acorns.
I went ahead and screened the trunks and tubed some of them, and caged some of them. If it appears that the deer are going to browse them in a yr or two then I can add bigger cages.
Thanks for the help.

A. Chinquapins