5 year old buck +
Just finished grinding the venison hamburger. Uncle Steve will be making jerky and summer sausage later this week, and the hams are soaking in brine in the meat cooler for dried venison....he is a master.
Back in the day we used to bone the meat and freeze it. Then make a weekend at my cousins grinding and making sausage in his garage. One year we did 21 deer. It would take an entire day to grind the meat, and we used a Cabelas sausage stuffer and a home made smoker made out of an old fridge. Lots of poker and lots of drinks.
Flash forward 10 game!
My Uncles father-in-law has a cow/ calf operation 1.5 miles away. He used to be a butcher, and has a full butcher shop. He recently stopped processing deer, but we still get to use everything. Cable hide puller and everything. Now we gut the deer, haul it over and pull the hide. Hang it in the shed if its cold, but if its warm they go right in the cooler.

Back in the day we used to bone the meat and freeze it. Then make a weekend at my cousins grinding and making sausage in his garage. One year we did 21 deer. It would take an entire day to grind the meat, and we used a Cabelas sausage stuffer and a home made smoker made out of an old fridge. Lots of poker and lots of drinks.
Flash forward 10 game!
My Uncles father-in-law has a cow/ calf operation 1.5 miles away. He used to be a butcher, and has a full butcher shop. He recently stopped processing deer, but we still get to use everything. Cable hide puller and everything. Now we gut the deer, haul it over and pull the hide. Hang it in the shed if its cold, but if its warm they go right in the cooler.