Privacy screen tree planting questions

Prairie Acres

5 year old buck +
I'm wanting to plant a privacy screen this spring and want to get my tree order in now. I'll be screening a 70 yard stretch between my land and the neighbors. I have decided to use Norway spruce planted in two rows. I will be planting the trees in a field that is currently CRP like grass. Questions...

-I am considering ordering 15-24" 4-year transplants from Chief River Nursery. $6.53 each. I'm open to other stores and sizes?

-15 feet apart? Also, we have a barbed wire fence between me and the neighbors. How close to the fence would you plant your first row? I would not mind the trees at maturity being right up against the fence.

-I plan on spraying the grass with Roundup well before planting. Also, I have a 4' disc, would it be helpful to planting and weed/grass control to run the disc up each row prior to planting?

-What is the best planting technique for tree survival? I figure I will plant around 30 trees, I don't mind putting some effort into planting each tree.

I've planted loads of Norway spruce over the years, many for screening. Norways are reported to be the fastest-growing spruce. Our Norways at camp have become a living green wall that you can't see through. Love 'em.

If you have a lot of deer, I'd cage them as soon as you plant them to keep deer from nipping the top shoots off - and later so bucks don't rub them to death.

Spraying to kill grass & weeds before planting is a great idea. Less competition for nutrients, so your spruce will likely get growing faster.

For screening using double, staggered rows, I usually plant them about 20 ft. apart, allowing for future growth & expansion. The staggered double rows will close off any gaps as they grow. If it were me, I'd plant the ones closest to the fence about 15 feet away ( or a bit more) if you don't mind them touching the fence later. If your location has lots of sun, you'd be surprised how quickly spruce can expand in diameter.

Starting in the 2nd year after planting, I toss a good handful of 10-10-10 around each tree to get 'em growing faster. I do that every year up to about year 7 or 8, when their root systems are well-established & they can do well on their own.

Discing before planting might loosen the soil a bit to help roots expand? Never ran a disc prior to planting spruce seedlings - but I have sprayed Roundup!

Hope this helps in some way.
I'm wanting to plant a privacy screen this spring and want to get my tree order in now. I'll be screening a 70 yard stretch between my land and the neighbors. I have decided to use Norway spruce planted in two rows. I will be planting the trees in a field that is currently CRP like grass. Questions...

-I am considering ordering 15-24" 4-year transplants from Chief River Nursery. $6.53 each. I'm open to other stores and sizes?

-15 feet apart? Also, we have a barbed wire fence between me and the neighbors. How close to the fence would you plant your first row? I would not mind the trees at maturity being right up against the fence.

-I plan on spraying the grass with Roundup well before planting. Also, I have a 4' disc, would it be helpful to planting and weed/grass control to run the disc up each row prior to planting?

-What is the best planting technique for tree survival? I figure I will plant around 30 trees, I don't mind putting some effort into planting each tree.


Planting the spruce 15' apart is good, good with 2 rows of spruce staggered. Go 8-10' from the fence.

With 15-24 transplants, you will want a large whole for the roots to spread in. A powered auger or post hole digger is best.

Do not disk! you will turn up the grass/weed seedbed.

Buy 4' welded wire fencing & cage each tree with about a 3' diameter. this will protect them from deer rubbing. Nothing is more frustrating than after 3-4 years of growth to see multiple tees destroyed.

Spray with glysophate, cheaper than Round-up. You can then follow-up with clethodim grass spraying after planting.

Check to see if your county has a tree sale. I get 2-3' spruce for $5 a piece.

When the trees are small and spaced out you can mow around your trees to keep the weeds down. By the time the trees grow enough that the mower won't fit in between them anymore the trees should be plenty big to compete and make it without further assistance. jmo
I'm wanting to plant a privacy screen this spring and want to get my tree order in now. I'll be screening a 70 yard stretch between my land and the neighbors. I have decided to use Norway spruce planted in two rows. I will be planting the trees in a field that is currently CRP like grass. Questions...

-I am considering ordering 15-24" 4-year transplants from Chief River Nursery. $6.53 each. I'm open to other stores and sizes?

-15 feet apart? Also, we have a barbed wire fence between me and the neighbors. How close to the fence would you plant your first row? I would not mind the trees at maturity being right up against the fence.

-I plan on spraying the grass with Roundup well before planting. Also, I have a 4' disc, would it be helpful to planting and weed/grass control to run the disc up each row prior to planting?

-What is the best planting technique for tree survival? I figure I will plant around 30 trees, I don't mind putting some effort into planting each tree.


-Check with your county or DNR. They might have cheaper or bigger trees. Our county NRCS offices sell 1 gallon norways for $12. 2 gallon is $17 and they are really good size.

-15 feet apart seems reasonable in all directions including the fence

-Just spot spray the grass with a hand held sprayer an area big enough for a 4x4 weed mat where you intend to plant. Premark the area with some flags and spray around the flags. Leave the disk out

-In SW Wisconsin you are gonna need cages, weed mats ( DO NOT SKIMP ON WEED MAT QUALITY!!) and then mulch on top of the weed mat if you want superior growth. I also inject some fertilizer into the ground away from the tree a good 18-24". You dont want to get too much too close to the roots cause you will kill them. Maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of a small tuna can the first year.

I've made lots of mistakes growing trees. Now everything gets at least a weed mat and mulch. Most have a cage or a tube too. The weed mat is the most critical component to get fantastic growth. The cage or the tube are critical for protection. The mulch has immensely helped with moisture retention in my woods. LOTS of severe drought last 5 years in my part of the world.

Here is some of my experiences.....
I think you can do better on price and size. A double row 70 yards with 15 ft spacing is approximately 30 trees. I paid $6.50 for the larger tree on the right in the picture. Look on Facebook marketplace. I’m a big fan of making the outside row white pines and then the inside Norway. White Pine grow much faster. People will say they’ll lose their bottom branches, but I have not experienced that. I have white Pines that are 40 years old with their bottom branches still on the ground.
Planting the spruce 15' apart is good, good with 2 rows of spruce staggered. Go 8-10' from the fence.

With 15-24 transplants, you will want a large whole for the roots to spread in. A powered auger or post hole digger is best.

Do not disk! you will turn up the grass/weed seedbed.

Buy 4' welded wire fencing & cage each tree with about a 3' diameter. this will protect them from deer rubbing. Nothing is more frustrating than after 3-4 years of growth to see multiple tees destroyed.

Spray with glysophate, cheaper than Round-up. You can then follow-up with clethodim grass spraying after planting.

Check to see if your county has a tree sale. I get 2-3' spruce for $5 a piece.

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I see the miscanthus is already a screen here while the spruce trees grow up..
Planting the spruce 15' apart is good, good with 2 rows of spruce staggered. Go 8-10' from the fence.

With 15-24 transplants, you will want a large whole for the roots to spread in. A powered auger or post hole digger is best.

Do not disk! you will turn up the grass/weed seedbed.

Buy 4' welded wire fencing & cage each tree with about a 3' diameter. this will protect them from deer rubbing. Nothing is more frustrating than after 3-4 years of growth to see multiple tees destroyed.

Spray with glysophate, cheaper than Round-up. You can then follow-up with clethodim grass spraying after planting.

Check to see if your county has a tree sale. I get 2-3' spruce for $5 a piece.
Thanks for all this advice. I hope my planting looks like yours someday.

-In SW Wisconsin you are gonna need cages, weed mats ( DO NOT SKIMP ON WEED MAT QUALITY!!) and then mulch on top of the weed mat if you want superior growth. I also inject some fertilizer into the ground away from the tree a good 18-24". You dont want to get too much too close to the roots cause you will kill them. Maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of a small tuna can the first year.
I was planning on cages and mulch. I will now add weed mats! Thanks!
I think you can do better on price and size. A double row 70 yards with 15 ft spacing is approximately 30 trees. I paid $6.50 for the larger tree on the right in the picture. Look on Facebook marketplace. I’m a big fan of making the outside row white pines and then the inside Norway. White Pine grow much faster. People will say they’ll lose their bottom branches, but I have not experienced that. I have white Pines that are 40 years old with their bottom branches still on the ground.
I'll keep looking for better deals. I like the idea of fast growing white pines on the outside row, thanks!!
I see the miscanthus is already a screen here while the spruce trees grow up..

Yeah, I was glad I did that. The MG in the summer really provides a good screen and is about 12' tall. Actually have another row of double spruce on the inside edge. Has made a great screen on this road front. Need to fill in some spots of MG & spruce next spring. This faces south and deer actually bed along here.

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I have planted hundreds of trees and through my trials I can confirm if you do what @BuckSutherland does it will be the best results.

Also, understand going in that you are ~10 years away from a true screen. You'll be more years away than that if you don't protect and baby those trees at planting.
They have good stuff, check out their apple trees too as long as you're making a trip to pick them up.
I'm not far from them. Defiantly planning on buying some apple trees for the small orchard and some oaks for the lawn from them.
Trees ordered. Looked around for a better price and found 36-48" for $4.45 for quantities of 25+
Link to catalog(Sustainable Wildlife Habitats)...

Why the hell cant I find a place like this in MN???? I would love to get trees from a place like this. Anyone know a place like this in central MN??
I don’t put a tree or shrub in the ground that hasn’t been dipped in terra-sorb. You can also use carpet for weed barrier if you know an installer. I cut 2‘ x 2‘ squares with a 12 inch slit to slide around the trunk. Stops weeds and holds moisture. Good job on the tree find. You will be much happier with the larger trees.
I don’t put a tree or shrub in the ground that hasn’t been dipped in terra-sorb. You can also use carpet for weed barrier if you know an installer. I cut 2‘ x 2‘ squares with a 12 inch slit to slide around the trunk. Stops weeds and holds moisture. Good job on the tree find. You will be much happier with the larger trees.
Ill look into getting the dip and I'm looking into mats. Thanks so much!
Thank you for all the advice!
Just trying to be of help, as others on here have helped me over the years. Good luck with your plantings!

I agree with BuckSutherland above when he says to just spot spray an area for a weed mat. No need to spray a huge area when you can mow in between your spruce trees until they get big. That's what we did at our camp. Buck's correct. Save money, time by spot spraying a 3 ft. circle.
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There have been multiple threads over the years about planting evergreens on deer property but will just add to this one.

The fella has some decent points about screening and bedding differences and real examples to show of course. I do agree that spruce are best not pine on outer edges and that since they are on the edge that planting 10 ft or so apart in the row is fine. Several rows in might want to space apart a bit more.

Again this is in the upper Midwest and other areas may dictate some variation from his plans

^ ^ ^ ^ Good video & good thoughts on planning ahead. Thanks for posting.