Porcupine control


5 year old buck +
Porcupines love my oak trees, and can cause a lot of damage to them. I look for them in the winter when there easy to see in the trees and take them with a shotgun. Anyone have a better way of thinning there numbers?
I've gotten two with my wolverine shovel. Also got another one with a chunk of wood. The one with wood was about 25 feet in the air actively stripping one of my best red oak trees of all its bark. I was so *******g pissed off that I picked up a couple chunks of wood and sticks and started throwing. Took me 3 shots to get the bastard out of the tree and then I beat the SOB to death with a stick about the size of a police baton. I was steaming pissed off!!! They are given no quarter on my land.

Shoot everyone I can. Supposedly they're easily trapped in a live or box trap. I've read that salt and apples are the preferred bait. I guess they don't get much salt in their diet and that's why it works so well.
I've gotten two with my wolverine shovel. Also got another one with a chunk of wood. The one with wood was about 25 feet in the air actively stripping one of my best red oak trees of all its bark. I was so *******g pissed off that I picked up a couple chunks of wood and sticks and started throwing. Took me 3 shots to get the bastard out of the tree and then I beat the SOB to death with a stick about the size of a police baton. I was steaming pissed off!!! They are given no quarter on my land.

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I am always looking for them, they really go after the oaks that I have released from the aspens for some reason.
I don’t like to kill things and leave them lay, but between my trees getting hammered and my dogs getting quilled, I do it on my own land.

When I’m on public land, I leave them alone unless one of my dogs gets tangled.
12ga works every time
They aren't a complete bust. You can always throw them in the wood chip composter and turn them into premium soil.
If I ever find the one that did this it would get all the above treatments....

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I like using turkey loads on them when they are way up high
Went to a wild game feed and porcupine was on the menu along with almost anything else you can think of. Many years ago. I'm sure my one neighbor would cook them up. He will eat road kill as long as it's not bloated. Swear to God.
If I ever find the one that did this it would get all the above treatments....

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It was payback time this weekend, the little 20ga made quick work of it

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