Poor working

They key to using an ATV is frequent breaks. When I do plot work with an ATV, over 50% of the time is spent letting the machine cool down I usually plan several hours out with TSI, trail work, digging holes for trees, etc. during the down-time. It's a bummer, but I just can't afford a tractor.
I have seen you tube videos where they seem to work decent. The disc I have spends more time in the air than digging in the dirt. It literally flys out of the ground all the way to the right then flys over to the left side. Barley touches the ground in the middle behind the hitch. Anything over 2 mph it comes out of the ground. Less than 2 mph it barely cuts into soft ground. I have to look it over again see if I can adjust it. If it doesn't adjust this has to be the worst implement made.
using a disc is all about SLOW going, if its flying up out of the ground your going too fast, its not a race its about slow and steady working

adding weight again can help it cut into the ground, as the design you have is relying on gravity mostly for down force, and as such, on hard ground, or rocky ground, its not possible for it to sink in to cut anything
this is also why maybe a drag will suit you better it allows for things to more follow the contours of the ground, where as a disc is more stuff when it comes to going over rocks and hard spots

problems with drags is, if your using them on ground with a lot of vegetation or leafy matter, things can clog up and your back to not doing much but wearing out your atv

this is also why again, having sprayed and burned down a site you want to TRY and turn over matters mroe with a ATV type tool as to a REAL farm implement!

and watching YOUTUBE video's
keep in mind what is the soil type there using things on, on good softer soils rock free, , things work a LOT better, than on logging roads and hard ground , that's two totally different types of ground !
They key to using an ATV is frequent breaks. When I do plot work with an ATV, over 50% of the time is spent letting the machine cool down I usually plan several hours out with TSI, trail work, digging holes for trees, etc. during the down-time. It's a bummer, but I just can't afford a tractor.
odds are if you can afford a ATV you can afford a tractor, and I don;t mean this as a bash, just being honest
I have bought and sold many tractors I got lots of use out of for 1500 bucks, that would out work a atv by a huge margin! and odds are cost way less than the atv you have did!

Most folks just want the ATV more than a tractor, due to more use's and I fully get it!
, but if were being honest, odds are we can afford a tractor if we wanted too
storing one and other things come into play, but they too can be handled if were being honest!
or at least for most working class people that is!
odds are if you can afford a ATV you can afford a tractor, and I don;t mean this as a bash, just being honest
I have bought and sold many tractors I got lots of use out of for 1500 bucks, that would out work a atv by a huge margin! and odds are cost way less than the atv you have did!

Most folks just want the ATV more than a tractor, due to more use's and I fully get it!
, but if were being honest, odds are we can afford a tractor if we wanted too
storing one and other things come into play, but they too can be handled if were being honest!
or at least for most working class people that is!
Agree I own 4 tractors. 3720 JD and a 4120 JD.At my land I have a Massey 44 and a Oliver 1650 that I use a old 10ft JD pull behind disc. It works great for my food plots. I would never use a atv to dig dirt unless there was no possible way to use a tractor.Problem is logging rd is a 1/2 mile down a asphalt road. Logging rd is also narrow and doesn't have a place to turn around a tractor. I thought this disc would be key cause it has wheels to run down the road flip it over on logging rd and go. This disc won't work in my food plots that were bare dirt after brassicas or beans.
odds are if you can afford a ATV you can afford a tractor, and I don;t mean this as a bash, just being honest
I have bought and sold many tractors I got lots of use out of for 1500 bucks, that would out work a atv by a huge margin! and odds are cost way less than the atv you have did!

Most folks just want the ATV more than a tractor, due to more use's and I fully get it!
, but if were being honest, odds are we can afford a tractor if we wanted too
storing one and other things come into play, but they too can be handled if were being honest!
or at least for most working class people that is!

It's not my ATV.
Agree I own 4 tractors. 3720 JD and a 4120 JD.At my land I have a Massey 44 and a Oliver 1650 that I use a old 10ft JD pull behind disc. It works great for my food plots. I would never use a atv to dig dirt unless there was no possible way to use a tractor.Problem is logging rd is a 1/2 mile down a asphalt road. Logging rd is also narrow and doesn't have a place to turn around a tractor. I thought this disc would be key cause it has wheels to run down the road flip it over on logging rd and go. This disc won't work in my food plots that were bare dirt after brassicas or beans.

This "gift" sounds like a nice yard ornament or fish structure at the bottom of a pond :emoji_wink:
This "gift" sounds like a nice yard ornament or fish structure at the bottom of a pond :emoji_wink:
Haha yes. Maybe put some boxes on it with some nice flowers.
It's not my ATV.
HAHA so lucky you(and mean as a joke of sorts here)

SO, you get to kill someone's ATV doing food plot work? LOL
guess that's one way too save money!
Question for the "get a cheap tractor" crowd - I currently only have an ATV. What would you be looking for given I don't have a place to store a tractor and I'd rather pay someone to do my foodplots than be fussin with tractor repairs? The only use I could see this year would be discing for broadcasted corn, sorghum screening, and discing a fire break. Already have a pull behind rough cut mower.

Eventually I'll probably want something that can pull a 606NT but not sure I can justify that now especially for just 3-4 acres of plots.
If you can't justify a tractor for 3-4 acres, sounds like your not trying hard enough ... :emoji_wink:
Oh I can. What I really meant was I have a hard time explaining why I need to spend $30k+ on a tractor to mrs wind gypsy when just 5 months ago the new ATV I was buying for the new land was “all I needed for a while.”
Question for the "get a cheap tractor" crowd - I currently only have an ATV. What would you be looking for given I don't have a place to store a tractor and I'd rather pay someone to do my foodplots than be fussin with tractor repairs? The only use I could see this year would be discing for broadcasted corn, sorghum screening, and discing a fire break. Already have a pull behind rough cut mower.

Eventually I'll probably want something that can pull a 606NT but not sure I can justify that now especially for just 3-4 acres of plots.
Not exactly sure what you are asking about. I'm know their is some atv versus tractor discussions on here. How much do you spend paying to have plots planted? I actually enjoy doing my own plots just wish I had more time. I think by "getting a cheap tractor"is leaning to is use a tractor to do heavy work. That's what they are made for. Save your expensive atv for light duty work. My Massey is a 1948 it has been working fields for almost 75 years. Paid $1500 for it. No reason it won't last another 25. It pulls a 10 ft disc without a sweat. My FIL spent $10,000 plus on his atv/ implements to do food plots because he didn't want a old tractor. The second year of plots he blew up his motor around $1500 rebuild. Then needed a new wire harness $600. That's more than I paid for whole tractor and repairs to this day. My FIL's solution was to spend $7000 on a new bigger 700 cc atv. $19,000 into atvs to do 4ft at a time. That would of bought a nice compact fel tractor that would make work easy, last forever, and hold its value. Both atvs are maybe worth 5k. That's my example. Indoor storage is a huge plus. Most compact tractors will fit in a shipping container.
Oh I can. What I really meant was I have a hard time explaining why I need to spend $30k+ on a tractor to mrs wind gypsy when just 5 months ago the new ATV I was buying for the new land was “all I needed for a while.”

Buy an old used tractor like a Ford 9n.

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Buy an old used tractor like a Ford 9n.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Used to have a 2n. Thousands of those Ford's still running around from 1940s. Most of them for sale $1500-2000.
I have an ATV with a King Cutter disk that work awesome. I use my ATV a lot with several different attachments and its fine for small little kill plots i can broadcast, but not for the big areas. Its just too hard on it.

Ive been wanting a tractor so badly for a few years. Researching 40-50 hp hydro, 4x4, with FEL etc... I just dont have 15-20K available right now. So my retired neighbor starts letting me use his 1967 Ford 3000. I was nervous at first because we have some hills and im not familiar with the shifting etc.... Man after a couple years now, I LOVE that thing! Its cheap, its simple, its powerful for its physical size. Other than it doesnt have a FEL, theres no way id feel like spending a lot is necessary! Its been perfect for my 4-5 acres of plots, I have a 6' snowblower for it, brush mower, borrowed a tiller, disk... its been great.

You definitely dont have to spend a lot to get a lot.
Not exactly sure what you are asking about. I'm know their is some atv versus tractor discussions on here. How much do you spend paying to have plots planted? I actually enjoy doing my own plots just wish I had more time. I think by "getting a cheap tractor"is leaning to is use a tractor to do heavy work. That's what they are made for. Save your expensive atv for light duty work. My Massey is a 1948 it has been working fields for almost 75 years. Paid $1500 for it. No reason it won't last another 25. It pulls a 10 ft disc without a sweat. My FIL spent $10,000 plus on his atv/ implements to do food plots because he didn't want a old tractor. The second year of plots he blew up his motor around $1500 rebuild. Then needed a new wire harness $600. That's more than I paid for whole tractor and repairs to this day. My FIL's solution was to spend $7000 on a new bigger 700 cc atv. $19,000 into atvs to do 4ft at a time. That would of bought a nice compact fel tractor that would make work easy, last forever, and hold its value. Both atvs are maybe worth 5k. That's my example. Indoor storage is a huge plus. Most compact tractors will fit in a shipping container.

That all makes a lot of sense and aligns with what I've been coming to realize lately.

More or less looking at what someone would recommend looking for as a budget option to pull a disc that is not likely to eat up significant time with repairs/maint. I've seen folks point out the old fords and farmall H before but also seen people reference a lot of maint and repairs.
i was out blowing snow with it today in -25 windchills. Ran like a champ! This is a 1966 or 67. Gasoline. ~45hp
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9N is really going back, talking like the early 40s. I would skip ahead a few years and look for mid 50s and later. The Ford 600 or 800 series were decent enough. True gonna spend about $4500 if it has been fixed up some. The really rough stuff you can find $1500-$2000 range. You can find multiple sales for 8Ns in the $3000-$3500 range but think the slightly newer and slightly bigger Fords are worth the extra $1000
there are tons of older model tractors that do hard work simple to fix and up keep and no shortage of parts out there for them
go to any Antique tractor show, and you will see most of the most popular models
NOW< your NOT looking to buy a SHOW tractor
but you will see the long standing and love for many older models and they will give you idea's on what to look for
International tractors from the H - on up to there larger one's from the 1940's YES 1940's to about the late 1960's are all pretty solid tractors with easy up keep
the DEAL is just finding one that has been taken care of
and tha'ts NOT that hard in most farming area's as these tractors sold thousands of them
I had a 1949 IH model h, wide front end(That;s a little more rare)
I used it for 20+ yrs on one property, about as simple a tractor as you can find, pulled a 8 ft drag behind disc just fine
I THINK I paid like 200 bucks for it and when I sold it in 2015-2016 I sold it for 2 grand! and was worth every penny!

The thing most DON"T realize about older tractors, is, they were MADE to be worked on by the average FARMER< not HIGH tech tool turners,. they made them SIMPKLE, they made them OVER kill for the tasks asked of them, they were MADE when there was actually a GOAL in being able to say they made things that lasted and that was a selling point for them, unlike today's disposable world we live in!
and this is why so many of these older tractors are still running and working!
REAL farmers don;t want them as they just are too small, but, for food plotters, that DON"T have to have a shinny new 4x4 tractor to mater there high end properties(many folks get caught up in think they MUS have new things anymore too)
there great things to buy and own!

an older model H (or a LOT of these older tractors) like I had, weighed in at about 4500 lbs for a 20 hp or so tractor, it was built like a tank on rear end and drive parts many of these older machines can OUT pull and work many more modern higher HP tractors, due to they have WEIGHT on there side!
and weight is your friend in the tractor world and pulling power/traction!

many people fear older things cause they know nothing about them or, they base things on how modern stuff isn;t worth a crap in a few yrs
and there missing out one some great tools that can make a food plotters life SO much easier and for a LOT less $$$ than they think!!

and also keep in mind that a TON of the old implements are out there laying in farmers yards doing NOTHING< and can be had many times for a small fee or , just being willing to remove them
liek drag behind disc' drop spreaders

as again modern farmers have ZERO use fort these things and back in the 70-80-s almost every farm, HAD them, and many several of them, that now just lay about doing nothing
and with a little TLC< can be back up and running again
as again, most implements made back then like the tractors were MADE so they could be fixed by poor farmers and I mean NO disrespect by saying that,. its just what it was for many small time farmers
they were NOT making BIG money, they many times had little or no education
YET they coudl fix and keep things working, due to HOW things were made back then
NO computers or high tech on most of the older stuff
and as such, why a lot of it still works!
over the past 30+ yrs I bought a bunch of older tractors, and implements, never a complaint from me on them!
I will admit I got smarter at what one's I would spend money on , but all were never hard to fix! and get working!