Pollinator Install


Yearling... With promise
I'm looking for some feedback on how long it's taken to establish pollinator habitat. I've planted 18 acres. 9 last year ( one growing season ) and 9 in the past month. In both cases, i was converting grass ( mostly fescue ) to CSP Monarch Mix.

In both plantings I used multiple chemical treatments, then a physical burn down, then broadcast or frost seeded the mix. For the nine acres planted last year, I did not mow it during the growing season. I received mixed messages from my NRCS contacts and in hindsight, I probably should have given it a couple of trims. This years plantings are just waiting for warmer weather.

My plan is for better weed control by mowing at the 10-12" level on both plantings. I'm told it takes 3 years to come in but I'd like to hear any suggestions or feedback.

you will see some species in year one and two but by year 3 it will look much different , i have plantings that are 6 years old that i have noticed new species in each year . If you didnt mow last year i would mow this year prior to green up and then only mow if you see an infestation of non desirables, mowing is most beneficial the first year and after that i like to leave it be, and manage for invasive by hand pulling or wiping with herbcide instead of spraying. If you have cool season grass coming up this spring i would hit it with Clethidom very early in the year before any warm season grasses get started.
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you will see some species in year one and two but by year 3 it will look much different , i have plantings that are 6 years old that i have noticed new species in each year . If you didnt mow last year i would mow this year prior to green up and then only mow if you see an infestation of non desirables, mowing is most beneficial the first year and after that i like ot leave it be and mange for invasive by pulling or wiping with herbcide instead of spraying. If you have cool season grass coming on i would hit it with Celthodium very early in the year before any warm season grasses get started.
This. Stands that are broadcast just take longer. When I have drilled, I get pretty good stands the first year. Broadcasting or from seeding it takes several years.
you will see some species in year one and two but by year 3 it will look much different , i have plantings that are 6 years old that i have noticed new species in each year . If you didnt mow last year i would mow this year prior to green up and then only mow if you see an infestation of non desirables, mowing is most beneficial the first year and after that i like ot leave it be and mange for invasive by pulling or wiping with herbcide instead of spraying. If you have cool season grass coming on i would hit it with Celthodium very early in the year before any warm season grasses get started.


I did mow the dead weeds ( mostly rag weed and foxtail ) this winter. I was planning on mowing again upon canopy. I planted 40 different species and have a hard time distinguishing friend from foe.