Pollen type


5 year old buck +
Anyone heard of this? Does it apply to North American apples and pears? At th garden center there is information about "pollen type" and which apple tree can pollenize which. I can't find any North American sources for this; Google searches just bring back info on allergies. No one here ever mentions it, so I was wondering if it's really a thing I should worry about.
The following link has everything you need to know. First, just read what is on the page. Second, at the end of the page look for a hyperlink (called the on line pollinator checker) that takes you to another page where you can enter a variety and find the best pollinators for that variety.

For instance, I just did it for Sundance Apple, and it gave me 70 different cultivars that are good partners for it.

They probably are referring to pollination time. As in early, middle, or late blooming.
Lso, some apple trees are triploids, i.e. their pollen is sterile and will not pollenize other apple trees.


  • Pollination Chart.pdf
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I always like to make simple things unnecessarily complicated whenever possible
Interesting! Thanks, guys. Doesn't seem like it will be an issue for me, but it was an interesting read. Seems the main issue is how closely related they are genetically.

Does anyone know how this applies to columnar apples? I recently bought a StarCATS, and they say you need another CATS apple, but I couldn't understand why.
No, no need to have two columnar varieties. Just a recommendation to get you to buy two if you buy one.