PMs asking for help and advice.


5 year old buck +
I've been getting a lot of PMs lately with folks asking for advice. I don't at all mind taking the time to answer them, but please consider this: For every guy who asks a question, there are another 20 out there that could benefit from the question and answer. So, unless there is personal information involved, personal names, addresses, email, phone number or something you won't want the general public to see, please ask you question in a thread on the form. If there is not one on the subject, start your own. If you specifically want an answer from me, just drop me a PM with a link to the thread in case I missed it and I'll be glad to post a response. Not only does this benefit others who might be wrestling with the same issues, it gives you perspectives from other folks who may view thing differently or may catch important points I miss in my response.


Good post
One more point. In the earlier days of this forum, I could understand how some folks may have been concerned about being belittled by asking a question or expressing an opinion and preferred to use PMs. The monitors have done a great job of cleaning up the forum. Things around here are pretty collegial these days. There are no stupid questions. I think I've made every mistake imaginable until I make my next mistake. We all learn from each other.

If previous experiences with the forum have made you a little gun shy, please give it another shot.


Thanks Jack, sent you a PM .... :emoji_relaxed:
Got your PM. I completely understand how you would be embarrassed to admit that in public! :emoji_wink:
Got your PM. I completely understand how you would be embarrassed to admit that in public! :emoji_wink:

Thank god we can share these private moments ... need to know, want to know :emoji_scream:
Good stuff, wish more people would open up an post.

Create more flow of info, not all of which will pertain to your situation, but it gets ideas moving an thoughts spinning.
I don't even want to imagine what sort of stuff was shared in private, guys! It starts out small, then next thing you know you're growing non-native species. And admitting to liking them...
I don't even want to imagine what sort of stuff was shared in private, guys! It starts out small, then next thing you know you're growing non-native species. And admitting to liking them...

I may resemble that remark :) would never, ever, plant MFR, but I
Kind of like mine that came up by itself