I awarded myself a Phd in small grains, but I can't answer that question. There's not a great single place to know all that is trit. And triticale is as specific as apple. There's spring grains, winter grains, and here's a mind blower, facultative grains. There are facultative trits out there too.
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If you didn't get stuck with too many bags, I might take the L, and try to get your hands on the right seed between now and fall. Where are you located? Maybe we can help you find another source. What you do have, maybe blend it into your fall plots anyway, but don't pull an SD and put down 15 bushels per acre.
If you want to get sucked into the world of triticale nerdery, check out the Trical youtube channel.
Triticale was originally developed by crossing wheat and rye. Triticale is a hardy crop with prolific growth and adaptation to various environmental conditions. It combines the hardiness and nutrient-use efficiency of rye and high grain yield and nutritional qualities of wheat. Improved...