Planting/seedlings table


I'm looking to build an outdoor table to grow my seedlings on. Roughly 8'x4' with a welded wire "tabletop". Will have a mix of rootmaker RM-18 and 1 gallon pots, with some deep pots as well. Has anyone built anything like this? Looking for thoughts/feedback/experiences. If I can find an old picnic table for free/cheap, I might go that route. Or do I just pick up an 8' folding plastic "picnic" table at Costco and call it a day? No real time investment, and probably not much more expensive than wood. I can always use it for other purposes after seedlings are gone.
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Following, I need something too...I was thinking something with a back on it as well. When soil falls on the table just use a shovel to scoop it up against the back of the table.
Following, I need something too...I was thinking something with a back on it as well. When soil falls on the table just use a shovel to scoop it up against the back of the table.
I've been filling my pots using a big black/yellow storage bin from Costco/home depot. Anything that spills just goes right back into the mix. I'm just looking for something to grow on that isn't the ground.
Whoops I misread that. I’m using pallets
I tried keeping seedlings in pots suspended above the ground, but they had major problems drying out. Now I set most things on pallets. Larger pots I set directly on the ground.
I would also have concerns about the pots drying out faster if they were off the ground. I usually graft and plant about 20 apple trees per year and I keep them in 2-3 gallon pots for a year. I leave them on the ground, but the pots sit on some old siding I had lying around. I did that to preven the tree roots from growing through the pot and making contact with the ground.

We have some herbs growing in a planter on our deck that is off the ground. It is pretty crazy how quickly that soil dries out compared to the apple tree pots that are on the ground.
Made our indoor seed starting area which is under grow lights from welded panels that you can get from Menards. I don't remember the dimensions right off hand, maybe 4' x 6' They are painted black. The holes work out nice for the smaller tree seed germination tubes to drop into. I just throw a sheet of heavy plastic over the panel when I am filling trays and then pick that up and dump it back into the bag/bin. If doing it outside find a way to incorporate something that can be a wind break and sun shade. 30 mph winds and sunny days here in late Spring can dry things out fast. Might want to incorporate some over head netting or screen as well if hail is a common thing where you live.
I would worry about the plastic Costco table tipping over in the wind. I used a long section of laminate countertop to create a potting table. Soil and water clean off very easily. You should be able to find some at your local Habitat for Humanity restore.
I would worry about the plastic Costco table tipping over in the wind. I used a long section of laminate countertop to create a potting table. Soil and water clean off very easily. You should be able to find some at your local Habitat for Humanity restore.

If you go that route, buy a tube of silicon caulk and seal all the cut edges. I had a piece of countertop I used as a cutting board for fish, and it didn't last long in the rain.

I ended up finding a solid pine table, which I took the top off and made into a bench for potting plants. It has lasted a few years, but the weather is rather hard on it. I need to sand it and give it a couple coats of poly this sumer.