Planting Broomsedge or Big Bluestem


5 year old buck +
I have two 1 ac areas of red clay that only seem to be supporting Virginia Pines and Broomsedge (or BlueStem) that i would like to add some erosion control to. Adding BioChar or PeneCal are beyond the need as of right now and was thinking of thickening the grasses (BS or BS). Has anyone seeded these? Rate and means?

Thank you.
Local farmer here got the contract to re-seed roadside cuts when the state built a bypass around town. He had one of those straw grinder/blower outfits. He'd cut old, wornout, unfertilized hay fields overgrown with broomsedge, bale it, and then blow it over the bare ground he'd seeded with cheap KY-31 fescue, to dimish erosion. Usually ended up with a super stand of broomsedge.
The ol straw shooter....great idea.

I dont have much to cover or an easy way to get one up there but the old haybail approach is great! thank you.