5 year old buck +
We lost our eleven year old BLF a few weeks ago to cancer and as I have stated I'm a dog guy from the ground up, the whole family are dog people. For me I feel like I've got one hand tied behind my back if I'm hunting anything but deer without a dog, and to not have a dog around in the yard and hanging a head out the window of the truck as I run errands just seems weird.
We were looking for a dog to hunt duck&goose/pheasant/bunny/grouse/quail...worry ground hogs be a burglar alarm and a member of the family, we have had labs/chessies/beagles/English setters and decided to try a German Shorthair Pointer this round.
I enjoy training dogs so we started puppy shopping, my prerequisites were that the puppy be female with a good nose and disposition and out of hunting parents. We found what we were looking for in SW PA made a few calls and set up a time to see them.
A little over week ago the wife and I made the drive east and were very pleased by the selection we found.
It was like a puppy mosh pit;
They had seven females to pick from of the eleven puppies so I had them brought out one at a time to sniff the scent trail I left in the yard with a fresh duck wing. The first three didn't pay much attention at all, number four followed the trail stopped at the wing then went off to play...number five followed the trail like a coon hound pointed the wing then picked it up and victory lapped a big circle with it and came and sat next to me! The seller said "I think you found your dog" I agreed.
The next day the boys and I came back from duck hunting and tossed a few ducks around to see how the puppy acted...she picked them up and carried them even played fetch a little for short retrieves.
We did a tune up pheasant preserve hunt early last week to get ready for a grouse hunt and the puppy was all about it when we brought birds home.
Introducing Darcy...the newest member of the family.
You guys will be seeing a lot more of her and her adventures in the years to come
We were looking for a dog to hunt duck&goose/pheasant/bunny/grouse/quail...worry ground hogs be a burglar alarm and a member of the family, we have had labs/chessies/beagles/English setters and decided to try a German Shorthair Pointer this round.
I enjoy training dogs so we started puppy shopping, my prerequisites were that the puppy be female with a good nose and disposition and out of hunting parents. We found what we were looking for in SW PA made a few calls and set up a time to see them.
A little over week ago the wife and I made the drive east and were very pleased by the selection we found.
It was like a puppy mosh pit;

They had seven females to pick from of the eleven puppies so I had them brought out one at a time to sniff the scent trail I left in the yard with a fresh duck wing. The first three didn't pay much attention at all, number four followed the trail stopped at the wing then went off to play...number five followed the trail like a coon hound pointed the wing then picked it up and victory lapped a big circle with it and came and sat next to me! The seller said "I think you found your dog" I agreed.

The next day the boys and I came back from duck hunting and tossed a few ducks around to see how the puppy acted...she picked them up and carried them even played fetch a little for short retrieves.

We did a tune up pheasant preserve hunt early last week to get ready for a grouse hunt and the puppy was all about it when we brought birds home.

Introducing Darcy...the newest member of the family.

You guys will be seeing a lot more of her and her adventures in the years to come