Persimmons help please


I want to grow persimmons and I have a local source for the fruit (access to wild trees not on my property). Last year I had some good results growing oaks from acorns, this fall I want to try persimmons.

#1 - do I use fruit from the ground or from the tree?
#2 - If I know where I want these trees to grow (AKA direct seed) do I plant just the seed or the entire fruit?
#3 - do the seeds need anything done to them before planting?

I have a nice sunny area in my woods where I think they will do well where I can plant several and then thin them as needed later as I know there are male and female trees.
I germinated some a couple winters ago I just took a piece of sandpaper to them lightly to get through the outer part then put them in a moist paper towel in the fridge. Then planted them in pots after they developed a radical. Some people prefer to get their seed from poo because the stomach acid and digestion aids in stratification. I would just get the seed from fruit on the ground to clean them up nicely put them in a bottle of water about half full of water and shake it well should remove most of the flesh. This isn't the only method or the best it's just what I did and seemed to work fine I would wait for more responses and pick what you like best. Hope this helps

I had good luck by harvesting the fruits or seed, mixing with water, and smashing the concoction all together and straining the pulp and water multiple times in a five gallon bucket. Once you end up with sunken seeds, your good. After that you can spread them by hand, direct seed in tubes, or plant in pots. Just keep them cold and very lightly damp till planting.
I was gonna plant a bunch of persimmons but after some exploring I could not believe how many native persimmons were hidden on my field edges. This spring I released a bunch and they responded quite nicely! I also discovered several nice young chinkapin oaks.
I have lived on my place for 15 years and not a persimmon to be found - that's why I want to try to grow some. Permisson typically are found in opening or the edges of timber. I had no openings and my edges where very hard edges as is very typical with clean farming practices in my area. You would go from woods immediately to corn field. I have since changed alot of that. I have a nice opening in my woods where I want to plant these trees and then once they mature I will thin them. I kno where I can getmy fruit/seedfrom, I just don't have any exp in growing them from seed.
Defiantly be a fun project! I would think growing them in root makers would be the way to go. I got a handful from native nursery that have done well
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How long would it take for them to actually produce? I'm with J-Bird, none to be found.
How long would it take for them to actually produce? I'm with J-Bird, none to be found.
I believe it can take up to 7-8 yrs for a persimmon from seed to produce fruit. An that's if it's a female tree. Grafted persimmons are another option An garenteed to produce fruit much sooner but more costly. I honestly have never witnessed a deer eat persimmons. Coons eat em like crazy. I think Kiefer pears would be a better choice IMO. Somthing your neighbor is less likely to have and plus better for our consumption:)
Thanks Jordan,
Not to hijack J-birds thread :)

Speaking of Keifer's. I planted one a few years back. It was fairly large when I got it. Now it's close to 8 foot tall 1 1/2 diameter trunk and no fruit. Are these self pollinators or do they need another tree? Fruits not my thing.
I figured it would take 5 to 10 years - I want to plant a lot of them and then thin out some of the male trees later. I have a nice opening in my woods that should be a great place for them - I just have never grown them - I have done oaks from seed and that was pretty simple (white oak family). I don't know if they need to be chilled (like red oaks do) or if I should plant them pretty much right away (like a white oak) or if there is anything that may make them special. I will more than likely grow them in 3 nd 5 gallon bucket to seedlings and then transplant once dormant in the fall.
I believe it can take up to 7-8 yrs for a persimmon from seed to produce fruit. An that's if it's a female tree.


I planted a bunch of seedlings from KS Forest Service 7 years ago. Just noticed fruit on them this year - may have had some last year that went unnoticed. Trees about 2" DBH. Good luck with the planting!
I have started about 12 of them by planting them out. The rest I've raised in Rootmakers. I just cleaned them very thoroughly. Get all the pulp off them. Use sandpaper, as noted above and bury them about one inch. They have to sit through the winter or in the refrigerator for about 60 days to stratify. (I think that's the right term) I planted about a dozen like that just as an experiment and 6 of them sprouted. I then tried to move them and they all died. The tap foot on those things is huge for such a small seedling.
Thanks Jordan,
Not to hijack J-birds thread :)

Speaking of Keifer's. I planted one a few years back. It was fairly large when I got it. Now it's close to 8 foot tall 1 1/2 diameter trunk and no fruit. Are these self pollinators or do they need another tree? Fruits not my thing.

Kiefers are supposed to be self fertile. It could be that tree is in a frost pocket, does it ever blossom?
Kiefers are supposed to be self fertile. It could be that tree is in a frost pocket, does it ever blossom?

Not that I've ever noticed. I'll have to pay closer attention this spring. It's not in a low spot.