Depends on the strength you are using...we get the 13.3%. I believe there is a 10% strength also. We mix ours in a 32 oz plastic sprayer and we use less than an ounce per sprayer full. I've been reading up on how to treat clothing and I've found that many people use the 10% diluted to 0.50% which is 6.4 oz per gallon. That sounds strong, but I guess if we were making it by the gallon we would be using just under 4 oz.
The permethrin I have is 36.8%.
Any ideas on the dilution rate for a that strength?
I am wanting to use it to spray my clothing while turkey hunting/dog training.
Waded through grass and brush the last two days while wearing my treated (0) ticks :cool:
Is there any danger if you sweat with the home treated clothing on? Just worried about the carcinogen.
I find that pulling my socks over my pants keeps most ticks crawling up the outside of the clothing.
Nope, snow is gone here except for a very few spots. We were up your way today (Zorbaz on Gull), kind of surprised to see one lake wide open and another with only a few feet around the shore open.
I just did a quick search on permethrin and skin contact. Seems if you have scabies the cure is a 5% permethrin cream applied to the entire body and left on for 12 to 14 hours. Based on that I think your safe with some sweating through your pants and socks.