Permethrin/Tick Thread on Old Forum


5 year old buck +
Can anyone tell me how much permethrin was added to one gallon of water for the do-it-yourself tick spray?

I think it was 2 oz to a gallon of water but I am unable to go back and look since it appears that info is gone.

Depends on the strength you are using...we get the 13.3%. I believe there is a 10% strength also. We mix ours in a 32 oz plastic sprayer and we use less than an ounce per sprayer full. I've been reading up on how to treat clothing and I've found that many people use the 10% diluted to 0.50% which is 6.4 oz per gallon. That sounds strong, but I guess if we were making it by the gallon we would be using just under 4 oz.
Good thread.....I was just thinking about this myself after pulling three off of me on Sunday. I've pulled eight off of me so far this year.
I forgot to apply the frontline plus so my golder retriever puppy attracted the ticks like a magnet last weekend. Won't make that mistake again. I've never had to remove ticks from my dogs while they are on frontline.
Depends on the strength you are using...we get the 13.3%. I believe there is a 10% strength also. We mix ours in a 32 oz plastic sprayer and we use less than an ounce per sprayer full. I've been reading up on how to treat clothing and I've found that many people use the 10% diluted to 0.50% which is 6.4 oz per gallon. That sounds strong, but I guess if we were making it by the gallon we would be using just under 4 oz.

The permethrin I have is 36.8%.

Any ideas on the dilution rate for a that strength?

I am wanting to use it to spray my clothing while turkey hunting/dog training.
For what it is worth I use the ElimiTick clothing from GameHide and find it works tremendously on ticks. It has the permethrin product or something similar already embedded within it in. I think it last around 70 washings as well.
Mine is 36%, 2 oz per gallon makes a .5% solution. Mixed one up for fellow archer, he and a friend used it and stated it is unbelieveable.
I bought aerosol spray that I sprayed my turkey hunting cloths with. I still pulled a tick of yesterday but I think that was because it was colder than I expected and wore a jacket over the shirt I treated.

I will look at how strong it is and report back later.
I also bought Elimitick clothing. No need to reapply. Good for 72 washings. Basically the life of the clothing. I won't go in the woods without them.
The Coleman spray I have is also .5% permethrin
The permethrin I have is 36.8%.

Any ideas on the dilution rate for a that strength?

I am wanting to use it to spray my clothing while turkey hunting/dog training.

36.8/7.3=5.04 so I would say mix it 7 parts water to 1 part of your permethrin.

I don't know if its been said but don't spray your clothes while there on you. Spray them and let them dry before putting them on. Also this method will allow you to wash your clothes a few times and it will still be effective.
Waded through grass and brush the last two days while wearing my treated (0) ticks :cool:

Didn't your clothes get wet from all the SNOW? ;) Still snow in the woods at my land. Grrrrrrr
Is there any danger if you sweat with the home treated clothing on? Just worried about the carcinogen.

I find that pulling my socks over my pants keeps most ticks crawling up the outside of the clothing.
well, I'm glad beer is safe!
Is there any danger if you sweat with the home treated clothing on? Just worried about the carcinogen.

I find that pulling my socks over my pants keeps most ticks crawling up the outside of the clothing.

I just did a quick search on permethrin and skin contact. Seems if you have scabies the cure is a 5% permethrin cream applied to the entire body and left on for 12 to 14 hours. Based on that I think your safe with some sweating through your pants and socks.
Nope, snow is gone here except for a very few spots. We were up your way today (Zorbaz on Gull), kind of surprised to see one lake wide open and another with only a few feet around the shore open.

I was near "the cities" at my g-daughers dance recital yesterday (nearly 4 hours worth :rolleyes:). Yep, some lakes have lost their ice. I'm looking at 100 yards of open water here....and the ice is blown toward the other side of the lake. I think it will be out in a few days - maybe today....but its pretty cold. My place is about 2 miles from the crow flies. Good boating destination. :)
I just did a quick search on permethrin and skin contact. Seems if you have scabies the cure is a 5% permethrin cream applied to the entire body and left on for 12 to 14 hours. Based on that I think your safe with some sweating through your pants and socks.

I've always shied away from this stuff because I thought "man this must be some strong strong stuff if I'm not supposed let it contact my skin at all, and strong chemical = health hazard"

I may have to re-consider this stuff in the future :confused:
Does anyone treat outdoor areas around your home or shop? I have considered treating these areas we frequent....and for visitors. Suggestions and Advice?