pears...pears and more pears

Do y'all fertilize your pears? and if so how much and when?
Do y'all fertilize your pears? and if so how much and when?
Depends on the growth of the tree. If the tree is young and not putting on several inches of new growth every year then it probably needs a little. Over fertilizing can be worse than not fertilizing. Too much fertilizer puts the tree into a vegetative growth state where fruit production is delayed and increases the risk of fire blight on FB prone trees.
Depends on the growth of the tree. If the tree is young and not putting on several inches of new growth every year then it probably needs a little. Over fertilizing can be worse than not fertilizing. Too much fertilizer puts the tree into a vegetative growth state where fruit production is delayed and increases the risk of fire blight on FB prone trees.
Gotcha! I have several (9) Keiffer pears. They range from 12-20 ft. Production varies and I was wondering if fertilizing might be the key. They are growing well, but my soil is poor. soil test shows 5.3 ph 0-60-0 fert recommendations.
Gotcha! I have several (9) Keiffer pears. They range from 12-20 ft. Production varies and I was wondering if fertilizing might be the key. They are growing well, but my soil is poor. soil test shows 5.3 ph 0-60-0 fert recommendations.

From your description looks like you need some phosphorus! With that much height they dont need any nitrogen. Your low pH is tying up your phosphorus a bit. If you apply some lime to help raise your pH that will be helpful as well. Since I dont have to use lime here maybe somebody else can give you a lime application rate. Pears typically are in that 5-6 year old range before they start blooming much.
Pears were the first of my tree plantings about 7 years ago and last year was the first really good crop. So good that it broke substantial numbers of limbs off the trees. This year I have very few. Don't know if it was stress from the broke limbs or the fact that I did fertilize them last spring. Either way very little fruit this year.

I have 2 Kieffers, 4 Orientals and five of my more recent additions in this orchard. The five new trees are all late dropping and the most FB resistant types I could find.


This orchard is only about 200 yds away from the first. I have used this as a food plot and it has gotten regular lime and fertilizer when planting fall plots. Its hard to see but the trees in this plot are easily 3 to 4 times the size of those in the first pic. Lousy photo but the pears are in the right side of the photo. I have a couple of holes in the center to fill in this year as the last of my attempt to grow apples died last year.

Brad looks good man!
I have lots of pear trees and I do not fertilize pears unless the tree shows need of it. Like pale color leaves or slow growth. Pear trees normally don't need great soil to do good.
I have lots of pear trees and I do not fertilize pears unless the tree shows need of it. Like pale color leaves or slow growth. Pear trees normally don't need great soil to do good.
That good to hear, my soil is pretty bad! hahah.... Maybe I will try to lime and hold off of the fert. Thank you.
Any "must have" varieties? Zone 5
Those are some loaded pear trees!

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If you can get to those trees and thin them do it. Mine looked like that last year and since I am far from the Farm I could not get up to do it. My trees sustained a lot of limb damage and have little on them this year, I believe because of the stress of last year.
Has anyone planted Kieffer pear in Wis? Thinking about planting a few this spring.
Has anyone planted Kieffer pear in Wis? Thinking about planting a few this spring.

I have they same question, they are shown to be good up to zone 4.
So it looks like pear trees are more of an upright grower vs spread outward like an apple. I have 5 pears to plant this spring and looks like I can space them closer together on ohxf 97/87 vs the B118 apples. Correct assumption?
So it looks like pear trees are more of an upright grower vs spread outward like an apple. I have 5 pears to plant this spring and looks like I can space them closer together on ohxf 97/87 vs the B118 apples. Correct assumption?
I didn't plant any pears this year because I had such a large number of other trees planted this yr in the orchard on my new place, but next yr will be lots of pears going in the new orchard.

Did any of you plant pears this yr and what kind?
Senator Clark, becton, McKelvey, gilmer Christmas, Dixie delight
I have a dozen pear rootstock on order that i will plant and graft later. I was going to order later ripening varieties from the USDA GRIN and bud in late summer. But it looks like GRIN are not doing pear budwood now. I thought they did. Their website says they will start taking orders for dormant scionwood in September. So I guess I'll field graft then next spring.