...pears from seed.....


5 year old buck +
I know, I know....I've heard it for a gabillion years ----"pears are for heirs".
Meaning, patience is required.
It's 'long ball'.

I'm not so sure.

I've been growing seedlings from a couple of amazingly consistent and amazingly productive pears (variety unknown) for years.
I've gathered their seeds...sown and nurtured 'em.
Today, 10 years later I am seeing terrific fruit loads from those seedlings.
Now, to be sure, these are .50cent sized fruit......but there are a lot of 'em, and they hang long.
Long. Like into February.
They dribble down.
Like a vending machine.
I like that.

They started carrying fruitloads at about 7yrs.
And that continued to increase each year.
Now...10 yrs on....you would be amazed.
Hell, I'm amazed.

The message here is this:
  1. collect pears seeds from some pear you like.
  2. do what need be done to propagate the seeds
  3. then sow where you want 'em.
  4. Report back.
The main problem i have with growing pears from seed is all the Bradford’s around that can pollinate the pears you grow from seed. My grandmother grew some from her pears and they ended up being some sort of Bradford thorny hybrid I ended up grafting them over. I do like the idea of doing this if you have an isolated orchard with disease resistant varieties.
The main problem i have with growing pears from seed is all the Bradford’s around that can pollinate the pears you grow from seed. My grandmother grew some from her pears and they ended up being some sort of Bradford thorny hybrid I ended up grafting them over. I do like the idea of doing this if you have an isolated orchard with disease resistant varieties.
I'm not sure if these are Bradford hybrids or not, but they are all over about 20 acres, I have good luck releasing them and getting them to produce a lot of fruit, the deer like them, but most are gone before bow season, I have been grafting some over to later varieties near stand locations.

All fruit in pics are from the original trees, not grafts.

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