Pa. Game Commission survey

Phil - I know who you're talking about. Woolrich. When they moved offshore, I stopped buying their stuff. I knew people that worked there for the astronomical wage of $8 and change per hour. I wonder how many goods they sell to the Chinese in the rice paddies? Or to Mexicans trafficking drugs?

When I asked how many of us would bitch if we had an inside track on a contract, I meant ANY contract - not just gov. contracts. I was involved with bidding and sat in meetings where once bids were opened, the jobs weren't awarded then. Behind the scenes arm twisting went on and I know of several contractors who tired of seeing the same favorites get the jobs over & over. They were told what every other bid was & then they would come in just under by a small amount. Good Faith Bidding????? What about the contractors who put forth good faith bids and best estimates only to find out the game was rigged??? Wrong is wrong anytime. If your company wouldn't touch any dirty contracts - BRAVO! Sadly, in my 34 yrs. in the professional working world, I think the number of really honest people is shrinking. If you hold to high ideals, you'll do well, I'm sure. I've found personally that good product - good service and HONESTY usually earns repeat business. Good word-of-mouth advertising. Have a good one.