P18 Rootstock


5 year old buck +
I have a Chestnut Crab on P18 planted in 2019 that's been an absolute rockstar grower. Out of ~200 fruit trees it's in the top 3 if not the best for growth rate right up there with my WC Droptine and 30-06. Today it's probably an 18' tree, strout and well branched. I've pruned it for shape and trained scaffolds..it's a fantastic looking tree if I do say so myself.

The last 2 years it's produced a few fruits, literally, 2-3 each year. Has hopeful this year would be its first bumper, but as I examined it today...only a handful of flowers on it. What gives? Is this common with P18 Rootstock or the Chestnut Crab variety? Everything else that's on m111, b118 or m7 that's more than a few years old is loaded with blossoms.
P18 is a less dwarfing rootstock as you’ve seen. Bigger tree and slower to fruit. I had a 2015 Goldrush/P18 that fruited pretty early and I got excited. Then it took a few years off before a small crop last year. Soon I’ll have enough apples for cider.
I have around a dozen chestnut crabapples. Most on B118 a couple on M111 all very heavy producers. One of my favorite eating apples. Here's one for the deer I don't spray or prune. This
tree is 12 yrs. old.
Would love to see that chestnut on P18. Grafted oe lst year, didn't take. Ordered one from turkey creek, its starting to leaf out. Think that was m111.
I noticed my chestnuts were starting to bloom today.
5 yr ols M111
8 yr. Old B118IMG_4311.jpeg
13 yr. Old B118
I originally bought eight for the deer and wasn’t planning on pruning a crab Apple tree. My mistake, one of the best eating apples I’ve ever had. The ones I have all grow wider than they are tall. This creates a problem when they’re loaded with fruit in my sandy loam soil and the wind comes up. I’m going to prune aggressively to take care of the problem. So I’m guessing that your root stock is responsible for very few blossoms?
Yes, that's my belief Marlin. It's been a great grower, about the size of your 8 year old tree. Lack of blossoms may now be irrelevant as we hit 25F last night.

I haven't been able to sample a chestnut crab yet, but had some Trailmans last year and they were outstanding. I'm looking forward to making a comparison.