Overseeding Winter Rye----Too late?


A good 3 year old buck
I have a couple of small (1/3) acre plots that I was thinking about throwing some WR on this weekend ahead of the rain. Is it too late to get any good germination in NWPA? Fields are already planted with oats/wheat in one and turnips/radish in the other. Just looking to fill in some areas that are sparse, not plant a whole field.
I think it will still germinate and grow a few inches at least. I broadcasted and disced in WR the first week of October last year in NELP of Michigan. It sprouted and the deer utilized it. Grew about 5-6 inches before rifle season( Nov15th). If you can rake it in a bit for good seed to soil contact it should fill in your bare spots.
Thanks guys....I'll give it a shot.
I just seeded an area down that I back bladed, with WR last week, as long as you have moisture it germinates really fast and with any type of decent weather it will green up into a nice green munching ground for the deer, they love the short fresh stuff more anyways... it will be there for them in the spring too its worth the risk to get it in.
I agree with everyone else. With winters being warmer, and later lately, it is worth it in my opinion. My local place was out of WR, otherwise I would have planted some last weekend as well.
Plenty of time for WR where you are. The farmer where I live has several times planted WR or WW in very late October after taking off a crop of soybeans. My house is in zone 5a and seems he waits until a good 4-5 day stretch of Indian summer. I used to think wow that's late but basically 3 or 4 days without any frost in the forecast and stuff pops right up.
I just put out a 50 pound bag of winter rye on the disked fire lanes in my red pines a few days ago. The project was supposed to be done earlier, but life got in the way. The rye got an inch of rain the very next day so I am guessing it will do okay.
I just put out a 50 pound bag of winter rye on the disked fire lanes in my red pines a few days ago. The project was supposed to be done earlier, but life got in the way. The rye got an inch of rain the very next day so I am guessing it will do okay.
Well, if anything will grow in a pine plantation, it will be rye. Get some pics if it turns out, I would be interested to see that.
I planted some in these same fire lanes last season. Unfortunately, there was a torrential rain storm right after the planting. As these areas are on a slight slope, all the seed got washed to the bottom third of the fire lanes. It grew okay in that spot. I did an every third row thinning four years ago in these pines and all rows directly adjacent to a fire lane were removed. This lets in much more sunlight and gives the rye plantings a better chance.
Plenty of time. Wheat is just now going in the ground in the midwest, as the corn/beans come out. Rye will germinate in colder conditions than wheat.
Put it down yesterday. Forecast is showing 70-78 degrees the next ten days with rain. I think I picked a good week.