Old Farm, New Hunter / Farmer

Then it was back to the throw and mow in the expanded zone, lots of weeds and ferns but again, I did not spray. Just spread my LC Mix and hit it with the weed wacker. If all things work out, I'll have more fall food here then ever. Cheers !


My Sorghum test plot is looking good, next year I'll plant more of this earlier in the year.

And I stumbled on to some Bur Oaks down the road from my farm. I think I'll plant a few for next year.


The wild apples are dropping in my area, I've harvested a few seeds from them as well.


Thank you,

Those are some tiny Burr Oaks, ours are big enough you can't hold more than 2 at a time. I bet they get destroyed when they are dropping!

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You have lots of good stuff happening there, MD. Burr oaks, apples, sorghum grew for you ........... all good !! Lime is the key for unlocking the soil nutrients so the plants can absorb the nutrition. More lime can NEVER hurt. On new areas at my camp ( like in a new timber cut or a new clearing ), I throw a few bags down on top of late winter snow so it goes into the soil with the snow melt. It seems to get the pH up enough to have wild clover sprout on it's own. It just proves the power of lime !!

Keep us posted on things and if you nail a deer. Good luck with all !!
The fall weather has finally kicked in and things are looking up and up. It was 38 degrees when I awoke this morning and I am loving it.

The cooler temps have brought back an old friend we called Arnold. A old man with a big tumor on his gut. I posted photos of him last year in post #18 on page one I think. It was good to see him again.



( the dates are not correct )

Finally have some action in the LC mix, the weather makes a huge difference.




I put six of my american chestnuts in the ground today and will be excited to watch them grow.


I'm also going to do a test with some red oak acorns. I potted them today and will leave them in the shop all winter. No heat, just like mother nature intended. We shall see.


Thank you,
Nice habitat work MD. I'd put screening over those red oak pots or mice will get them this winter. The other option would be to put them inside covered plastic storage tubs.

Which part of Maine are you in?

Thank you NH, I'm in central Maine, Penobscot County. I think your comment about screening is a good idea, I hadn't thought of that. Thanks
Everything looks great. Where did you get your American chestnut seed? I've planted a lot from the ACCF and Indiana Larry over the years. Hope they do well for you.
Everything looks great. Where did you get your American chestnut seed? I've planted a lot from the ACCF and Indiana Larry over the years. Hope they do well for you.
Thanks Merle, I got the nuts from the American Chestnuts Foundation and I hope they grow. I am looking to start some more this spring.
Awesome time of the year around here in New England. Things are really looking up. A heavy bodied small rack buck ran in front of my truck this morning around 11 am. My sawtooth oak acorns arrived from @IkemanTx , thank you again.

The LC mix food plot is an awesome draw.







Fall rains arrived just in time and the new deepwoods plots is sprouting. I overseeded 8 pounds of winter rye this morning.


It's not much but will slowly improve this soil and make for a nice little pit stop in years to come.


I am doing a red oak experience, leaving them out all winter with some hardware cloth, thanks to @NH Mountains for the tip.


Hope all is well. Thank you,
That's a good one in pic #4 at post #72. So is pic #2 on the above post. If you can attract the does and yearlings with your plots, the big boys will find you. Very nice work up there !!
It's been a while since an update from these woods but things are looking up boys.
I have been getting ready to naturally cold stratify some more acorns, I think I have 1,000 planted and ready to be stored in the shed.
These will go to friends and family who care for their land the way that we try to.


This has been a fantastic year for the oaks around my place, are you guys seeing the same ?

Been out in the woods a few times since our deer season opened the end of October and still watching the cameras, it's still early here but things are picking up.


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The boys are still showing up too late and now that the day light savings time has kicked in the after work sits are getting shorter and shorter.


But things in the woods are looking up ......




Best of luck and thank you,
Good luck, MD. I hope you get a good one.
Well gentlemen, I did not find a buck this year. So happy to see that some of you did and your hard work paid off.
I'm still investing in the future I'll say.

I was lucky enough to get out and enjoy many days afield.

I spent sometime looking for grouse.

But most of my time was looking.... looking from stands, looking from the ground, from the ridge, from the swamp, lots of looking this year.

A number of cool things happened this fall.

This is a buck my wife named Doug. Doug would stop by in the night and cruise around.
He was easy to identify with only one real tall tine.

I saw a post on Facebook from a local hunter who harvested Doug, as the crow flies, 4 miles away. I sent him all the game cam photos I had and exchanged some intel which was cool. I was really happy for him


The season was a long month but a great time, I spent all my time looking for this guy. He made it through the end of the season so I'll hopefully be able to chase him again next year.

Some new guys showed up once the snow fell. I know the bucks aren't using my property as much in the summer but love to winter up here.
Hoping for a good year of shed hunting.

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Winter is here in full force now so it's time to plan for the spring. New cuttings, new plantings and hopefully another good growing year.
Happy New Year to each of you and I hope all is well.
Thank you,
Cool pics! Thanks for sharing.
I like the deer with the flat moose looking antlers.

Good luck on the one you were after next year. He's a beast.