Ohio Farm Tours

Let’s talk soil chemistry and how amendments change or interact with our soils.

Understanding CEC

I love making videos and although I don’t get tons of views or have a pile of subscribers- the DMs, texts, etc. make it all worth it.

One of question I have for yall is - what are some topics that would like covered? Obviously, I can’t cover everything but if there is something you think I can help explain - I’d love to try!!

Ps. If you do like the content. Sharing and subscribing on all platforms helps!!

Have a safe and blessed holiday season.

More questions answered on plots!

Diving a little into weeds here on types of lime and the soil chemistry behind fixing our soil structure.

December and still plenty of food - even in a high dpsm of WV.

Managing farms below carrying capacity….

Getting bucks to age 4+ and supplementing habitat work with top quality Vitalize Seed food plots - has allowed our deer weights to continue to increase year over year.

This is a clear indication of a healthy animal - although rack expression has also got better, I prefer to review weights as a whole for the herd vs. individual racks/score of a mature buck.

There are no secret’s to deer management but when we put a plan into action - you can see quality continue to increase both for the animals and habitat.

Why I care about diversity!

IMG_4952.jpegIMG_4949.jpegIMG_4951.jpegIMG_4948.jpegChecking the carbon load (used as a garden cover crop) today. How many species you all see? The goal is to maximize root diversity as well as sunlight collection, above ground! We are making a photosynthetic engine - feeding the heck out of our soils!!


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Every field has a different starting point!

Pre orders are live! New this year - inside bag(see below)

Every order of Nitroboost comes with FREE Seed Armr+ seed inoculant (inside the bag this year)!

This helps with seed germination, and ensures that the correct biology is in the soil to maximize legume N fixation!

We know there are a lot of great options for seed - we appreciate you all thinking of us and considering Vitalize Seed as your go to food plot and cover crop seed source.

Happy Holidays and, Merry Christmas to all!

Al and Jared IMG_5011.jpeg
Three parts of soil - why it matters and what we know.

Something new for fun - buck story of 2020.

Body size -

I cannot tell you how many deer I’ve looked at and weighed over the years. What I can tell you, in my experience, there is a very close relationship between body size and age.

Over the years I’ve known many guys to shoot an immature buck and say “he had a huge body”. Typically weighing in the 150-160 dressed category.

Remember- most bucks are going to look big bodied when you have to exert energy to drag them out! However, when you see a mature buck on the hoof, there is no mistaking the body size difference between that and an adolescent deer.

Lastly - the rack size is not always representative of anything other than that particulars deers genetic expression. So if you want to harvest deer based on age, in my experience, look at rack size last.

This post is simply for educational purposes. Please shoot whatever makes you happy!!

Get outside and enjoy the outdoors.
2016 cousin buck story off the farm

Almost Christmas 🎄
High dpsm farm
Deer are still piling into the carbon load!!

With the warm ups in temps - the clovers and grains will “pop” and allow for deer and soil to continue to be fed. The high quality forage brassicas also continue to handle unprecedented browse pressure.

Thanks to all our followers and friends.

Get outside and enjoy the outdoors!! IMG_5138.jpeg
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Best part of the seed business is making friends. This video update comes from a great customer and friend who is just tickled with the food, despite the very high dpsm in his area.

Part two - little more tonnage!
