if anyone wishes to hear a bear story ,
I will share one, as this is a rather recent one,of sorts
as for orphaned cubs, I recently lost one of my Fav, if thats possible, orphaned cubs, I helped raise, a female, I named her Peanut(don't normally name any she was unique )
she showed up at my place at about 4 months old,all alone, she followed another female with cubs, how she found my place!
However, the other female, didn;t like her
tried to kill her several times, and me being ME< I seemed to have to step in
I couldn;t tell you how many times that summer/fall, I got in between the two , to keep the older female from killing this cub!
this cub came to know me as a safety net I think, and she always remembered this, thru her whole life!
human contact and interaction, unfortunately is un avoidable when your dealing with the young like this.
her first yr, was a hard ride, being orphaned and all , but at the end of her first yr, she meet up with a 2 yr old orphaned cub from 2 yrs earlier!
he was a mis fit of sorts, but the two of them teamed up, him showing her the ropes of the area and the two of them were together 24/7, which for me was a great thing to see, as its hard for them to KNOW to den without a mother, so, having an experienced bear would help this!
Sadly, come fall bear season(mid Nov) her buddy got shot by a local hunter(my place is surrounded by a hunting clubs lands, few thousand acres )
so, she was back at my place and all alone again!
she made it thru that first winter just fine, but sadly, in early spring, she got hit by a vehicle, ended up with a broken compound fractured ankle!
a whole new problem to live with.
she again was friendly with me, and with hep of a Vet friend of mine and me taking some ricks,
I was giving her some med almost daily or when ever here(this went on for 2+yrs too)and even getting some on the wound itself, again, she trusted me pretty well here, and YES I could touch and handle her , she was far from a pet like deal, , but again, she developed some connection with me ,
so, I was able to help her mend things, BUT being a lone younger bear, she would get chased by older females and she re broke that darn ankle a few times over that yr!
wasn't sure how things would play out!
she made it thru another winter, came into spring the following yr, with 3 cubs too boot, mid summer, she found herself in a STATE bear trap, a dozen miles or so from me,
everyone in the area kind of knew this bear, and everyone knew she had 3 cubs
the trap, managed to catch her and ONE cub, locals all knew again she had 3 cubs,m told game dept folks this,
BUT they didnl;t care, they took her and 1 cub, 60 miles away to relocate her(area she was trapped had a few bears tearing up trash, so they were moving bears out of area, she wasn;t one but they didn;t know this, or doubt they would have cared if they did)
a few hours later her other two cubs were run over by a vehicle near the trap site!
about two weeks after she was moved, she showed back up at my place, her home range!
without the lone cub, she lost it on the way back, and she again still had a broken like ankle, so a long walk on that!
the ankle, I manage along with time and mother nature, healed up finally pretty solid by winter, and the following spring, she showed up again , doing pretty good, and even had another cub again, a single , very rare for a bear to have cubs back to back ,
she again was limping bad on the ankle, I think it healed wrong while wintering
and she was again being picked on by another older female with cubs, that would chase her often, she could fight well, with the bad ankle
she moved out of area for a few months, and came back towards fall, minus the cub> no clue what happened to it?
but ankle seemed better, or as good as it was getting IMO
she went into that winter about as good looking as she ever was, pushing a easy 350+ lbs, VERY large for a female black bear!
she showed up the following spring with 2 cubs
again, something extremely rare, as a fact something I never seen before, having cubs 3 yrs in a row now!
she was now as large as she ever was and no other females would pick on her, she was finally, a real adult and the other female bear(same one these two grew up together more or less, only, other female was 3-4 yrs older)
both these bears have been at my place/area with cubs , and both bears knew each other very well, LOL they now finally respected each other, no more conflicts ever, as a fact, the two had , two cubs each last yr, and they were so used to each other, both sets of cubs would play together, and hang out with each other , again a rare things IMO!
then come fall, in Nov, my orphaned cub from above, I named Peanut, ended up getting hit by another vehicle, a few miles from my place,
only this time, she died! leaving her two cubs behind.
I helped load her on the state truck.(she was ear tagged when she was trapped I forgot to mention)
I managed to find her cubs and got them back to my place, as again, they would be soon facing there first winter alone. not a easy thing on a cub but being brothers, two of them, that Up'd the odds , even better, when they got back to my place, they actually meet up with the Lone orphaned cub I had here, and the 3 of them were all buddy buddy, hanging together in a group of 3
and my other female with cubs, was sort of watching out for the TWO cubs, she didn;t like the single one , she would attack and chase him up tree's or out of my place
I think she took tot the two cubs , due to having been about them as they grew up, and maybe even respect for there mother, as they had a LOT of yrs together
I even seen her let them nurse off her! cubs NOT her own !
BUT come hunting season, , these TWO brother orphaned cubs, got shot!,they were maybe 60 lbs each, legal, but??
so, the lone orphan was back to being alone
But peanut was one of my orphaned cubs, she made it 6 yrs being raised and a LOT of human contact,
she never forgot me, , she was even known to sit on my deck with me just hanging out near me!
some times she would go MIA for a few weeks or even months, but she always came back to my yard(food plots and growing foods here,are what attract bears and other critters to MY place and I enjoy seeing them)
She had 6 cubs, over her life time, sadly not a one made it past its first yr!
I think she did pretty well considering all her bad luck with being orphaned, getting hit by the first vehicle and her injury, and dodging hunters for so long here!
so, not bad for for being raised by a Human of sorts
I don't have any pictures handy of her as a cub, but here are a coup,e of her as an adult, injury and well, her demise.
sorry if I HI jacked this tread too?