Observation on green soybeans.


5 year old buck +
While checking cameras at my in-laws this past weekend, I noticed a drastic decrease in pictures. I know acorns are falling but I figured with roughly 40 acres of green soybeans yet, the deer would still be hammering them. It just goes to show you the power acorns have on deer and how difficult hunting can be this time of the year if you don't have acorns on your land.
While checking cameras at my in-laws this past weekend, I noticed a drastic decrease in pictures. I know acorns are falling but I figured with roughly 40 acres of green soybeans yet, the deer would still be hammering them. It just goes to show you the power acorns have on deer and how difficult hunting can be this time of the year if you don't have acorns on your land.
I've noticed the same here, I don't have any beans but still lots of corn, pics have dropped off. Moved a couple cameras to the edge of the woods by some oaks and apple trees, we'll see.
Are there any estimates on how far deer will move for acorns?

I guess bears can move many miles!
My deer like a balanced diet. Seem to nibble on everything.
A camera I have been catching over 20 deer night on in a soybean plot a month ago is now down to hardly any deer. All deer are in the Acorns now. And there are piles of acorns dropping from whites, reds, Burr, shingle oaks, all of them. Largest acorn crop I have seen in a while. Wait one month when the deer are sick of acorns, They will be back! For sure!
I've got more acorns than I have ever seen on my place this year. Sure is different sitting in a stand and hearing them drop like they are.
Since there are so many acorns this year, the deer don't have to camp out by one tree to get them. That made it a little easier to hunt them the last few years early season with only few trees dropping acorns. We now this year have tried the oaks with the most or biggest tree rubs. Hoping to catch the bucks we want feeding. So far we have had one good encounter with a huge 10, he just never fed by less than 70 yds. Only a matter of time, if we spend enough of it in the woods!:D
I have the only green beans in the county right now and I watched three does walk from the corn to acorns to beans last night. They stood in the beans for 20 minutes going to town. They ate he acorns for 5. Just an observation.