Nursery's In


5 year old buck +
Had a lovely Easter. Wrapped up the day with a little gardening and planting my 41 grafts into the backyard nursery. Also field grafted 3 rootstocks still taking up residence there. I made those 2 Enterprise and 1 Querina Florina. I have a couple of those Florinas entering 3rd leaf and the limb angles are amazing on them. I'd say 90°. I'm ready for a shower then to see if I can bribe the kids into a massage. :)

That pic is confirmation of the illness you've been stricken with !! Nice. Good luck on the back rub.
Looking great! Congrats!
I can’t tell on my phone, is that a snake in the foreground?
Still kinda looks like a snake. He needs to grow up if he is going to keep the voles and rabbits away. Snake..JPG
Thanks guys. Yes, they like putting all sorts of rubber creatures in the gardens to help deter pests. Snakes, bugs, dinosaurs, beetles even bigger than the dinosaurs. I'm pretty sure the kids cause more damage placing the rubber snakes than the snakes prevent. Yesterday robins were pecking at our onions, so my daughter put her doll along side them and it seems to be helping.
Ha! I love it. They are good helpers.
Nice scarecrows! Good eye Red.