Just one of many improvements I have made with the NRCS. I have finished approximately $30,000 worth of projects so far and have about another $20,000 to go on the existing contracts that remain.
Nice looking projects White Birch. The NRCS rep made it sound like only upfront costs would be shared for EQUIP, no annual payments. She said CRP offers annual payments, but lower upfront cost share, so in the end they are close to equal.

Maybe things have changed, or maybe it depends on what EQUIP program you do specifically since there are so many??
Nice looking projects White Birch. The NRCS rep made it sound like only upfront costs would be shared for EQUIP, no annual payments. She said CRP offers annual payments, but lower upfront cost share, so in the end they are close to equal.

Maybe things have changed, or maybe it depends on what EQUIP program you do specifically since there are so many??
The confusion may lie in your definition of annual payments. EQIP does not have an annual payment for participation. Conservation Stewardship does. However, EQIP has contracts that provide annual payments. Conservation Stewardship incorporates the same type of payments into the total amount you get paid annually, but usually the rate they contribute to the total payment is much lower than the rate an EQIP contract rate. For example, FSI may pay $340 an acre under EQIP, but only add $100 per acre total to your Conservation Stewardship payout.