Not a deer harvest....yet!


I posted earlier in the year how my daughter attended her hunter's ed class in prep for this years deer hunting season. Well tonight we took another step. She loves shooting my .22LR, but she had to "step up" to the 50 cal muzzleloader for deer season. Our youth hunt is the last weekend in september and I tried to get her to shoot the gun last weekend and she had some reservations about that that. I gave her a pep talk and she shot a handful of times tonight. She was pretty damn proud of herself. We will spend next weekend practicing. Hopefully in a couple weeks I can post another "success" story - steps, small steps.
Emma prep.jpg
Congrats. It's good you eased into it. I've seen some kids try to shoot big guns right away and never show interest again. I always start people out with heavier guns that have lower kick and work up from there.
I know several people that just shoot scoped 22s and then they are excited and don't feel recoil.I put a vibrations lab recoil pad on it and my daughter started shooting a 7mag at 13 for a NM oryx hunt and never looked back,she didn't weigh 100lbs and has used it in Africa and on deer also
Nice work Jbird looks like you're raising her right. Now you just need to put her on a deer.
Emma commented on "how heavy the gun was" and I told her that was a good thing in her case. We are not allowed to use true rifles in IN - only a rifle that shoots what is traditionally a handgun round (.357 mag , .44 mag , .45 LC & the like) - I don't have one of those in a rifle as I have only 16 days to hunt deer with it and I prefer my 12 gauge or smoke-pole anyway. Those guns get pretty pricey for only using it for 16 days a year. She was a little rattled by the smoke and fire out of the barrel when I shot it last weekend and I think that is what caused her to back away. I wasn't going to press as I feared it would do more harm than good. She did just fine last night and is asking when we get to shoot it again, so that is a good sign. She wanted to use my slug gun and I told her I didn't think she was ready for that! I will limit her range to pretty close to archery ranges as I KNOW she is going to be more excited than she has ever been before if a deer does step out. I've been there, saw my boy go thru it as well as another youngster. Being a part of that moment is one of the most rewarding I can think of as a hunter. Keep your B&C deer - give me that excitement and rush of a youngster and their first deer! All the locations I am taking her will have a steady rest for her to shoot from and all overlook plots so with a little luck she can get a crack at one. I'll let her shoot any deer she wants - even the young buck with all the potential I posted in the trail cam thread recently. It would suck to loose that deer at such a young age,'s a deer. I'll take a memory of a lifetime over the "potential" of any buck any day when it comes to taking kids for their first deer!
Success is measured in inches of smile and not inches of antler! Took the youngest out today for her very first deer hunt with her behind the gun (Indiana deer youth season is this weekend). Didn't see any deer, but we had a good time anyway. She likes the "make-up" and "swinging like Peter Pan" ( I had her test her harness while in the basement last night). She hit the panic button as we came across 2 coons on the way to the stand this AM. You would have thought we stumbled across a bear! I just got to shake my head! Hopefully we get a swing at a deer tomorrow.
Emma youth 2015.jpg
This was our view from the stand.
youth 2015 view.jpg
Pretty Cool J-Bird!
Looks like fun.

Did you bring the squirrels along?
Very cool Jbird. Those early youth hunts with my boys are some of my fondest memories!!!
Great memories for both of you j-bird! Keep up the good work and good luck the rest of the weekend!
Nice j-bird.

A couple weeks yet before our youth season. I think I'm looking more towards that weekend than the rut. Will be my oldest first hunt. He told me the other day that he thinks I'm more excited than he is. Maybe, just maybe. :)