Norway Spruce


5 year old buck +
Ive planted about 500 NS in the past few years. I see Itasca and NCR is sold out of them, is their any other good place to order them? I'm in Lacrosse, Wi and need about 300 plugs preferred .
Boone, check with MDC(Missouri Dept of Conservation), they sell good trees and at a very reasonable price, not sure on if they have what you need available, but they are a reputable source for tree plantings. Also, have you checked with the WI state nursery? I'm not sure if they do plugs, maybe only bareroots, but I have had some luck planting their bareroots on a buddies property in the past. One other place comes to mind locally you could call to check. Not sure what they have as I have never stopped in there, but since your in LaCrosse, give Trees Today Nursery out on Losey Blvd by the Boy/Girl Scout offices a call, it can't hurt to check with them just to see if they carry plug conifers, who knows, maybe they have a wholesale source that does not sell to retail buyers? has Norway plugs in stock. They are a little bit more expensive than some but if you need them you need them. I bought 200 a couple years ago from them and they were nice trees and have done well.
Ok thanks. I really want to establish a block of 200+ or so trees for thermal cover. We have a south facing hill that I've been planting on for a few yrs. Most plugs from last yr look good so far.
They have been GOLD for us at camp. They cut the wind down to about nothing !!
Good location choice Boone. South-facing hill should make for a good bedding area in cold weather - deer soaking up the sun between spruce trees. South slopes are where deer bed the most in winter for us here.
I fertilized my 2 yr NS a few weeks ago with 10-10-10. When I checked them a couple days ago some of them turned brown. Any idea why?
I fertilized my 2 yr NS a few weeks ago with 10-10-10. When I checked them a couple days ago some of them turned brown. Any idea why?
Too much fertilizer. They are most likely dead. I fried some two year old crabs last year. Some turned half brown and lived, the ones that turned all brown were toast.
Too much fertilizer. They are most likely dead. I fried some two year old crabs last year. Some turned half brown and lived, the ones that turned all brown were toast.
How much did you use?
I fertilized my 2 yr NS a few weeks ago with 10-10-10. When I checked them a couple days ago some of them turned brown. Any idea why?

You should not fertilize 2yr old spruce plantings until they have been in the ground for at least 4 months according the nursery folks I have asked.
How much did you use?
1/4 cup sprinkled around each tree. I've heard you should stay at least 6 inches away, so maybe to close?
I've said on this forum that I sprinkle 10-10-10 around spruce that have been planted for 2 years. I never had any turn brown on me - at all. I've never fertilized any spruce that were 2 year old seedlings that were just planted. I let them in the ground for 2 years to establish their root systems before putting any fertilizer down around them. I stay 6" away from the young tree so the roots "reach out " to get to the fertilizer, expanding the root system. Hope this helps.
I've said on this forum that I sprinkle 10-10-10 around spruce that have been planted for 2 years. I never had any turn brown on me - at all. I've never fertilized any spruce that were 2 year old seedlings that were just planted. I let them in the ground for 2 years to establish their root systems before putting any fertilizer down around them. I stay 6" away from the young tree so the roots "reach out " to get to the fertilizer, expanding the root system. Hope this helps.
How much do you put around each tree?
1/4 cup sprinkled around each tree. I've heard you should stay at least 6 inches away, so maybe to close?
That's not a lot. Hard to believe that amount would hurt anything. How many turned brown?
Bueller - No more than 1/4 cup - I just take a light handful and sprinkle it around the tree, making sure I don't get too close to the trunk / stem. Not real scientific the way I do it. I scatter it out, so it's not in a concentrated ring or pile. That's all I do.
These pics are from bare root 3/0 seedlings that were planted in the spring of 2013. No prep, no follow up, just used root jell when planting. Ruger 10/22 for size comparison. Last pic shows what they are competing with. The pictures were taken last fall. More than likely your fertilizer burnt them.

They had been in the ground for 2 years? I would text a pic to the nursery and ask them. I have planted a total of 36 acres of ns over 40 years , never fertilized them but never had more than a 10% die off on 3/0 bareroot all hand planted.
They were planted 2 years ago, some bare root and some plugs. I'm thinking I put down to much fertilizer and to close to the trees. Live and learn I guess.
Crushing blow. Hopefully you didn't lose too many.
Tooln - Whatever that crap is that your spruce are growing in ...... I like the look of it. Love the low, brushy, weedy stuff. Woods with all " park-like " mature, naked telephone poles don't hold much appeal for game. You have some good edge cover there to go with bigger woods in the background of the pix. Nice !! Spruce look good.