No Till Drill Info

what are the pros/cons of pull behind v. 3 point drills?

Not sure but, after using a pull behind on my plots...I want a 3 point. I don’t have big fields so a pull behind is a giant pain
what are the pros/cons of pull behind v. 3 point drills?

I used pull behind on my ATV and 3 point on the tractor. The ability to lift the implement and backup makes maneuverability PHENOMENALLY easier. In smaller plots, I pull one direction, lift the implement, back up to the other side, lower, then pull forward again on the next row. No turning around.
I like my pull behind. But I’ve never tried a 3PT drill. Just hooking it up would seem easier to me. Back up, drop a pin, done..
Used a pull behind yesterday for the first time. There's some overlap when you're not in perfectly squared off fields. But I think the pull behinds are generally heavier and do a better job at getting the seed down where it needs to be. But that's coming from a guy with 1 days experience on it.

Did have a ball though. 12 acres of switchgrass in the ground. Here's to not knowing for 12 months if I did a decent job or not
what are the pros/cons of pull behind v. 3 point drills?


Biggest con for 3pt is that you cant operate a quality mid-sized unit with an average food plotting tractor because it is too heavy. Generally you need a heavy 60+ HP tractor before the 3pts become a good option.
Pro for the draw style is that you can easily pull something like the GP 706NT with a 50hp tractor.