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No more Goldrush for me

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
I knew I was taking a chance by planting Goldrush in this CAR HELL location, but never thought about it being this bad. Yes, I know I could spray, but I won't. Considering topworking this tree next year.

Thats Goldrush for you. I believe there are some Goldrush crosses, not sure on varieties though. Might be an option that gives you the qualities we like without the CAR.
Thats Goldrush for you. I believe there are some Goldrush crosses, not sure on varieties though. Might be an option that gives you the qualities we like without the CAR.

Chris, I planted a Sundance last year and think it could be a good replacement for Goldrush. It is super clean so far and has the rep of being highly resistant to about everything. I think drop times are similar too.

PS: You think I will ever get any fruit from that tree without spraying?
I am not sure. I only have a couple 3 year old Goldrush on M111. One has a single apple on it this year. I didnt spray these trees. We had a very short infection window for CAR this year and my trees look relatively healthy. If I hadnt eaten some damn good Goldrush apples a couple of years ago I would likely not be growing it either.
Bad car year around here this year
I think BnB has it in him to convince you to keep at least 1 and spray it a couple times! His endorsement for the taste is convincing. LOL

My 2nd year Goldrush trees have shown a slightly lesser amount of spotting but are growing very well regardless.
^^^^ I don't want to convince anyone to keep a problem tree. Goldrush is known to be susceptible to CAR, but resistant to other diseases. The thing that made me want to plant more Goldrush is the taste of them !!! They blew me away. The sweet / tart / crispness combo of complex flavors hooked me. Goldrush became my overnight favorite apple for taste. I'll take Goldrush over any other apple I've ever eaten. HC used to be my favorite, followed by Pink Lady & Ida Red. When I picked the first 3 Goldrush apples 2 years ago at camp & brought them in for members to try, they were shocked. The slices were all gone in minutes. Taste is subjective, but all I've heard from tasters is "Wow" !! or "Holy sh**, that's a hell of an apple" responses.

We're lucky in that we don't have any cedars / junipers around camp for miles, so no CAR problem really. For you guys that have cedars everywhere, maybe Goldrush won't be so good for you without spraying. I don't know if CAR will affect the fruit or just the leaves. Our trees haven't been affected - so no experience with that outcome.

Native - I wish you had a better outcome with your Goldrush tree. Ripening around the first of November and on through the month, it makes a great deer apple.
Thanks Bows. Glad it is great for you. At least my Franklin looks great. It only stands a few yards from that Goldrush.
Bummer, yeah cuz Goldrush is great and drop time is great but if it’s gonna be a turd, out it goes. I have a Sundance and agree with the assessment here. Great when ripe but a strange hint of petroleum before ripe is weird. Large apple but will drop before Xmas.
I have had CAR on some trees but if that tree produces that year it didn't seem to affect the fruit that much.I have some pears this year that have FB and never have before so who knows.I only have 2 fruit trees that are carrying this year because of late freeze.I would leave it and see what happens,not like it will spread to other trees
I don't mind giving it another year and seeing what happens. I think this tree was planted in spring 2014 and has grown pretty well despite the CAR. It is 10 feet high with a nice form and spread. I have so many other trees there, it won't hurt to experiment a little.

One of the best producing apples I grow (Betsy Deaton) probably shows 60% of that amount of CAR nearly every year but manages to always make a bumper crop. I just wish the Goldrush was at my home orchard rather than the farm. I might be more inclined to spraying it since the apples are as good as you guys say.

PS: The Yellow Delicious (not the well known YD) I set from NW Crabs this year looks just as bad with CAR as the Goldrush. But, their variety of spur type Red Del set at the same time is as clean as a whistle.
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Native - You're right about the regional differences for these fruit trees. One area's gold may be another area's turd. I wish we had a bit more open land to plant several more varieties of apples and crabs. I can think of about 10 more I'd like to try.

I'm glad your Franklin is doing well. Our 2 are as well. I hope it pans out to be as good as advertised.

Jhoss - You mentioned Sundance in post #10. We have 2 of those at camp and they look really good so far. No fruit yet, but trees are healthy.
WOW! Thanks for the feedback Steve! Believe I will skip out on anymore Gold Rush in our wildlife orchard. That has to stress the tree ehh!!?? Will try one at my house. Sounds like it will give me a reason to learn a spray regiment
Wow thats impressively bat @Native Hunter !! I have very young Gold Rush so nothing to report there that I'm aware of. I'm glad I don't have Cedars around the area as well.