No, It's not snowing......

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
….but looks like it could be raining apples later on....




….but looks like it could be raining apples later on....




Looks good! BTW we did get a sciff of snow last night you are farther along than us up north.
Looks good! BTW we did get a sciff of snow last night you are farther along than us up north.

We are like 34 here this morning, and in the 10 day forecast the lowest shown is 32. That makes me feel like we will probably be okay on fruit. Pears here are like dime sized already.

It's freaking snowing here. I'm over this

We aren't even leaf'd out yet
You snowy guys just need to be positive and think of what you have to look forward to in a few weeks.....except for more coronavirus......:emoji_grin:
You snowy guys just need to be positive and think of what you have to look forward to in a few weeks.....except for more coronavirus......:emoji_grin:
I'm looking forward to planting 4 apple and 4 pear trees today.
forecasting 3-5" for us on Sunday.
I’m in the 4-6” zone for today. Was hoping to finish planting this weekend.
Native, I love seeing pictures of things to come for your northern neighbors – your trees look great! Of course, up this way we’re used to waiting for our “May flowers”, but these “April showers” should not be white. Thanks for the pick-me-up!

April snow.jpg
Native, I love seeing pictures of things to come for your northern neighbors – your trees look great! Of course, up this way we’re used to waiting for our “May flowers”, but these “April showers” should not be white. Thanks for the pick-me-up!

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Dang....that makes chills run up my spine!!!
Native - Looks like you'll be up to your eyeballs in apples later on. Trees look great!! Your pics help us northern guys get through the last - hopefully - of our snows. Snow squalls up at our camp yet.
Native - Looks like you'll be up to your eyeballs in apples later on. Trees look great!! Your pics help us northern guys get through the last - hopefully - of our snows. Snow squalls up at our camp yet.

It's good to know that these pictures are helping you guys that are still snowed in. I saw fruit set on the June apple today and will take you some pictures of that in a few days. Keep the faith!!
i'm in Pa, I had almost 2 inches of snow last night, by 9 am was gone, but then temps have stayed in high 20's all day with flurries off and on all day so far!
was nice and mid 70's on wed here?
I swear all we get here anymore is wild weather swings, temps up and down, rain every other day
seems like you can have all 4 seasons in a week anymore and doesn't matter what week or time of yr!
have had low 40's in July and Aug, near 80 in DEC
its just NUTS anymore!

my dam fruit tree's have not produced much the past 5 yrs , due to so many late frosts and low temps
its like depressing, to have so many good tree's that used to make tons of fruit, now, barely making any!
Trees look great. I planted a bunch of crabapple trees two days ago it was 70. When I went back out to put the ground cover down I was getting hit with sleet.
I can almost always count on a cold night or two while or after or trees are flowering. My wife just informed me that our forecast has changed and we will be down in the mid to high 20s tonight in valleys. That may get some of mine at the farm. Will have to wait and see.
The spring blooms are always a special treat. We have none here yet but soon it will be Service Berry time which is our first major bloom of the year. Pears will follow shortly after. Enjoyed your bloom pictures Native and like the reminder that virus be dammed, the bloom season here will be soon as well and no less spectacular than ever.
I’ve had some rough nights while the blooms are starting. There’s a few more 20 degree nights forecasted.


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Nice! Can’t wait for the progress pics!
You are a good hop skip an a jump ahead of us! Only thing I have starting flowering is wickson an prairie fire crabs