No fawns yet!


5 year old buck +
Lots of pregnant does that look like they swallowed a watermelon. Last years fawns look nice a fat, no ribs showing. They all appear to have come through the tough winter in good shape.
I was really pleased with the apparent health of the deer I saw when I was up north last month. I look forward to the vids and pics off the cameras when I return.
Should have mentioned they were feeding on 2 plots, New clover growth & turnips mixed with radishes.
The deer are looking much better than I ever thought after this tough winter. I think we can start looking for fawns to drop in about 4 weeks from now. That is when we will be able to assess how bad the winter really was.
I'm pleased with what I'm seeing so far. I thought it would have been worse considering the winter.
The deer are looking much better than I ever thought after this tough winter. I think we can start looking for fawns to drop in about 4 weeks from now. That is when we will be able to assess how bad the winter really was.
I figure fawn drop is May 15 to about June 15.
We found 3 dead fawns so far in NE WI, I have pics of some pretty rough looking fawns and skinny bucks around my place in western WI, but nothing dead. I had 9 does & fawns in my plot by my house the other night and not one doe was starting to look like she was showing. I expect any day now that will change.
I figure fawn drop is May 15 to about June 15.
Can't really argue with you on this one however I tend to think, due to the northern latitude, we're talking May 25th to about June 5th but that is a narrow window and I am certain there are plenty of exceptions.
Our land had 5 dead fawns this spring. The remaining deer appear very healthy. Fawns start dropping about the 2nd week of May by us typically
I saw a newborn smushed on 169 last Wednesday just south of Onamia.

No fawns on cam as of last weekend. Hoping soon.

One thing I am getting too many pics of.... Yotes...
Saw a fawn this morning suckling momma in a picked corn field at 6am.
doe's haven't dropped in Mo as of a few days ago
Just got home from my land, does, or at least the majority of the ones I saw haven't dropped yet. Last night I had 9 does feeding in clover patch right by camp, (25-50 yds.) 7 sure looked like they were pregnant yet.