No corn no beans in 2017 - Plan B.


5 year old buck +
Well as you may have seen from another tread of mine in the fruit tree sections, I started getting really busy the second week of December 2016 and when I came up for air it was May 2017! Therefore, no corn or beans on my primary farm. Here is what I plan to do. I will plant more acres of brassicas than ever this year. I will plant a lower seed rate than normal. I normally go as much as 8-9 pounds per acre, but this year is looking at 4-6 pounds per acre. I will have way more to age of tops than they can eat before it kills the top due to temperatures so I want to max my tonnage of bulbs to help through the winter. My deer eat them well and always have. I also plant to put in more acres of rye, oats and winter wheat than normal. I have been a huge fan of rye for years but going to focus a little more on wheat this year because they have not had if for several years and no other farmers plant it.

I could try winter peas because I have lots more acres to plant this year. Anyone want me to try anything else for a thread to follow. I have lots of acres to play with this fall.

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Which brassicas do you plant?

There are lots to choose from.

Dakon radish but unless you are way north I would still plant soybeans
Based upon test plots from a few years ago, I have historically planted Barkant, Groundhog Radishes, and T-Raptor. They are tried and proven. I will mix Bonar or maybe purple top with them some years, but those three are the foundation.

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Any chance of being able to plant late beans? Farmers in my area often plant a shorter but faster growing and faster maturing soybean once they harvest wheat fields in my area. Not sure if this would be a possibility for you or not depending on your location. I like to mix soy and winter pea in a row planter and then broadcast some cereal grains in with them if I get a spring planting failure. Might even consider an annual clover just for giggles as well. Just some ideas. I won't be planting fall plots for at least a month or more yet.
I could do some early maturing beans, but I have worked a lot on the fruit trees, getting ready for a large party at the farm and I am doing a lot of catch up projects. So right now, I really don't feel like dealing with it. I do like planning for August plantings though!

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How about lynx peas?
How about lynx peas?

Well you surprised me with this one. I had to look them up online. They are expensive, and the claim is they are preferred over Austrian Peas. If so deer my die immediately of excitement. On a serious note, I was interested to hear they are more winter hardy. Anyone ever plant them?

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I planted an acre with them last year, they did over winter, but not thick enough, I broadcast and ran a disc over them with it set straight. THe deer liked them, yet the lynx had a great regrowth from low on the stem. I actually spring planted another acre, and seeded them thicker. heavy seed, + high lbs per acre for a thick stand. Just hit with cleth yesterday to take out the foxtail that thinks every bare bit of earth belongs to it. White flowered, low tannin, palatable. Don't forget inoculant. added cost, but give those nodules a fixing chance.
I will be following this one.
Not sure if it's too late, but might be a good time to try some unusual brassicas like rutabaga or kale.
heck, even collards.... I have a ten lb sack of em waiting to go in for fall plots, always trying something new.
Frigid Forrest brassica mix has a small amount of sugar beats in the mix. Who has planted that mix and did the beats produce. Someone gave me a 25 pound bag to plant and it will go in the ground. HOWEVER, I looked at the mixture and the cost to buy one of their bags was nearly twice the cost of ordering the same seed from Welters or other seed co-ops. When I say nearly double, I mean it was less than five cents from being double the price. If the beats produced with the brassicas for others, I will order some from Welters.

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Only way beets will produce is if they're in the ground now...
Only way beets will produce is if they're in the ground now...

Next idea ha - I have been reading the thread on sugar beats that has some traffic. We do some commercial farming as well. I have never planted beats, but may plant some next year for a crop if I can get RR beats.

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Okay, did a quick look at harvesting them on the net and well planting seems to be fairly easy - harvesting maybe not.

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Not sure where your farm is, but trucking is an issue, I'm sure, if you aren't in a popular beet area.
I dont believe Monsanto or the big sugar industry will allow you to be a producer unless you are able to do quite a bit of volume.
I dont believe Monsanto or the big sugar industry will allow you to be a producer unless you are able to do quite a bit of volume.

Yep, I could do the volume and have the acreage, but that is a significant investment for a crop that may not work south of the the southern tip of the great lakes. Oh well, I had a total of 30 minutes invested so all is good!

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