Nitrogen loss


5 year old buck +
I planted my sugar beets about 5 weeks ago and we have had a ridiculous amount of rain in the month of June. I put down more than enough urea and tilled it in before planting. Short of doing another soil test to find out would you guess my N has been leached away? I want to maximize production on the plot because there is plenty of room with bare soil. I will more than likely be filling in the bare spots with additional brassica seed in early August.

If I am to top dress with N now what should I use and will I need to put more down early August for the additional plantings?
Sorry I can't help you on what you've lost but I top dress my brassicas with Urea 46-0-0.
No source to cite but I'd put down at least 100 lbs of 46-0-0 on your beets ASAP before a good rain. Seeing your pics in the other thread they have plenty of room to grow with no competition. They should explode in the coming weeks if you feed them and stay clear of a drought. Depending on how much growth they put on I'd consider not overseeding with brassicas. Why potentially slow down the beets growth late in the year after working to establish them for months. Wait until they are about done growing and overseed with rye and maybe clover or chicory if you wish.
No source to cite but I'd put down at least 100 lbs of 46-0-0 on your beets ASAP before a good rain. Seeing your pics in the other thread they have plenty of room to grow with no competition. They should explode in the coming weeks if you feed them and stay clear of a drought. Depending on how much growth they put on I'd consider not overseeding with brassicas. Why potentially slow down the beets growth late in the year after working to establish them for months. Wait until they are about done growing and overseed with rye and maybe clover or chicory if you wish.

Sounds good! Having no experience with them I just don't know what to expect for how much they will fill out. I have driven past miles and miles of production sugar beets but that's a much different situation. The cereals were my other thought If I felt like waiting longer to see how they fill out. I will be over seeding the beans late august early sept with CC, radishes, and winter tritical so I may just over seed the beets in the other half of the plot at that time with the same mix depending on how much bare dirt there is.
Does cc overwinter? Or just provide a flush of growth in the fall, like oats. I've never heard of northern guys overseeing with cc in the fall.
I'm assuming it does but have no experiance with it.