New York apples in a New York minute

Native Hunter

5 year old buck +
In the spring of 2017, a fine gentleman from New York sent me some scion wood from a few of his wild apple trees. I used that wood to topwork a few existing apples at my farm which had trunks of approximately 2 inches in diameter. Two years later, I have incredible vegetative growth - and more importantly I have New York wild apples growing in the Bluegrass State. The crop is small this year (just a few apples on three trees) but to have a any crop in two years is amazing to me. Anxious to see some of these make it to maturity.

Pic below is me standing on the ground reaching as high as I can up one of the trees.

NY isn't good for much, apples make the short list. Interested to hear how that tree progresses for you.
If those were still in NY, they'd be the size of a pea - or smaller. Trees up this way have evolved to grow fast, we only have two weeks of summer!! Seriously though, those look like nice healthy, fast growing trees.
If those were still in NY, they'd be the size of a pea - or smaller. Trees up this way have evolved to grow fast, we only have two weeks of summer!! Seriously though, those look like nice healthy, fast growing trees.

Thanks, and yes, they are as clean and healthy as any other trees I am growing. He did a good job choosing trees that were highly disease resistant. I feel this will be an interesting experiment. I have tagged these trees so that we can compare the ripening times and other factors to the mother trees.
NY isn't good for much, apples make the short list. Interested to hear how that tree progresses for you.

Thanks, I will try to remember and give an update later on.
If those were still in NY, they'd be the size of a pea - or smaller. Trees up this way have evolved to grow fast, we only have two weeks of summer!! Seriously though, those look like nice healthy, fast growing trees.
I still have blossoms that have not opened. Been a really long winter.
Good results so far. Comparing results, timing of ripening, etc. is a great idea. DR too, given the distance and climate differences.
If those were still in NY, they'd be the size of a pea - or smaller. Trees up this way have evolved to grow fast, we only have two weeks of summer!! Seriously though, those look like nice healthy, fast growing trees.
If those were still in NY they would be both illegal and taxed to death, like everything else in that state. I hope someday PA annexes upstate NY. Then I will move to upstate NY with my guns and be able to keep my hard earned paycheck! Baaaahahahaha.