New use for cultipacker


5 year old buck +
I saw this last night on the news. The MN DOT is using this "cultipacker" to break up ice on the roads to clear the roads. Interesting idea.

I also use my 4' cultipacker at home in the winter to "groom" my trails around my property. I use to plow them, but when we get lots of snow the banks get too high. It actually works really well for that.
Not sure how well that would work with the one we built. Most cultipacker wheels are made of cast iron not steel. Seems this would cause cracking of the cast iron wheels on hard ice. Wheels were made to roll over soft ground not hard ice.
Looks more like a aerator vs a packer......but whatever gets the job done. Wait until it chews the crap out of the asphalt!!!!
Yeah the shoulders come to pieces fast enough as it is!
I have never seen a piece of equipment like that. It must have pillow block bearings and weigh a lot to be used for that purpose. As it is on the front of the truck, the plow hydraulics must be used to apply down force to get it to crack the ice on the road.
I just used the 4' cultipacker last night to repack the 4-6" of new snow we got on the trails. The deer and other critters are really using those trails.