New to the forum


5 year old buck +
howdy from central Kentucky. First post here for me. I was a long time lurker on some other apparently unmentionable site and was crushed to see it disappear one day. Happy to see so many carry on the good work and wonderful info sharing here. I value your experience and all the helpful tips you pass on through failure and success. I'll probably start my own land overview someday. I'm 37, have 4 kids who are 10 and under. I was fortunate to happen upon some really cheap but really rough property in Madison co ky about 6 years ago. Bought a little more that joined 4 years later and hope to buy more in the future. Right now it totals about 50 acres only two are clear and there's not a flat spot on it. After spending 3 years on removing Japanese bush honeysuckle (don't hate me for despising this plant--I know it's good cover but gracious it takes over a forest really quickly) with a NRCS grant, I've been establishing a little orchard and planting all kinds of fruit and nut trees. I love to bow hunt and embrace being a caretaker of the forest. I'm learning as I go and look forward to being a part of this community.

Sounds like you have the fever that never goes away already!
Hello, glad to see you here. I know Madison County fairly well since I work up that way from time to time. Nice country up there. I ate lunch in Richmond at O Charley's last week.

Yep, bush honeysuckle loves that area.

I'm west, southwest of you in Adair County - less than 2 hours. Looking forward to seeing your posts and what you have going on.
Welcome aboard. Great to see folks here from KY. One of the trees I'm trying to add to my permaculture is pawpaw. KSU has been a great resource and seed source for me! Another great resource for me from KY has been Englands Orchard ( Cliff England is a great source of information on persimmons, pawpaw, and number of other trees.


Welcome to the site! Like you, I'm a relative newcomer too. I joined over the summer and these guys are all really helpful and encouraging. We all have different goals based on our own situations and circumstances but there's
a certain shared camaraderie with what we're all trying to do too. I learn a lot just reading and "listening". I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Welcome and thanks for sharing. Lots of good knowledge on here.
Good to have you here. Native Hunter, your neighbor in Ky - post #3 - is a long-time contributor here. This is a great site for learning, sharing info & experiences, and other sources / links to even more info. Really good people on here. I've learned a ton and hopefully pass on some of my experiences to add to the store of info on here. Multi-state treasury of info. Glad to have you !!