New buck bedding area


5 year old buck +
20150721_211302.jpg So tonight we were grilling burgers at the cabin after spraying a few plots, and noticed a decent buck across the road eating beans. Looked up and he had disappeared. I walked around the deck and noticed a red blob in our spruce trees that screens our cabin from the road. He decided to lay here and stare at us. Pretty cool evening! Oh, and saw a bigger buck out in the same bean field earlier in the night. Maybe I'll need to grill out there more often and see if I can get them to live on our property :)
I bet he was wondering if those burgers were someone he knew. ;)

haha that could be!
U may have made a buck bed there.
Do you live in that house that is adjacent to your land? Mosquitos are probably more tolerable in the yard.
That's a good sign!
Do you live in that house that is adjacent to your land? Mosquitos are probably more tolerable in the yard.
No it's gotta be that stacking of structure he did to get that buck to bed exactly where he wants him. U should show that Jeff guy how u dun good
Do you live in that house that is adjacent to your land? Mosquitos are probably more tolerable in the yard.

My home away from home. We live in thief but will be spending loads of time up there. My dad's intention is to someday live out there, but he has to convince my mom. Lots of convincing lol. Yeah squitoes are pretty hostile everywhere right now but that's my assumption. LIke dip mentioned, I made one hell of a buck bed there. Lucky for him I fluffed his pillows and have the fan blowing for him. Never thought I'd see deer do that in our yard. Pretty funny though
My home away from home. We live in thief but will be spending loads of time up there. My dad's intention is to someday live out there, but he has to convince my mom. Lots of convincing lol. Yeah squitoes are pretty hostile everywhere right now but that's my assumption. LIke dip mentioned, I made one hell of a buck bed there. Lucky for him I fluffed his pillows and have the fan blowing for him. Never thought I'd see deer do that in our yard. Pretty funny though

I see should be peaceful out there, other than an explosion of bugs from time to time.