Never enough parking.


5 year old buck +
Have you ever noticed there is never enough parking at your farm when you get ready to do some habitat work? By this time of the year, you have frost seeded plots, pruned and trained the fruit trees, planted spring plots, worked on TSI, engaged in some routine maintenance on the cabin, changed the fluids in the tractors, ATVs and UTVs, and several other year in year out items that have to be done. It just seems as though when you let folks know you will be working at the farm this weekend, there is just NEVER enough parking space. They just seem to come from all directions and there are trucks everywhere with people eager to get their hands dirty. I am thinking of dedicating a 20 acre site just for parking before next year. I just hope that will be large enough :)

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I don't even though they all know thats the only way they can hunt is to work.My daughters and wife are the ones that help most.My oldest daughter grew up working at the farm every weekend.Now she is home from college doing her masters and has a boyfriend.Good thing he is the young man that farms my ground
It will be a lonely 20 acres.
Might as well plant it in clover and let them park on that.
Hahahahahaha.....I'm not sure some folks can find my place outside of October thru December. Not enough parking - that's a good one......

I think come October I have a new use for that stone fence post I found......I'm gonna place it across the road at my place! Might put some paint on it that reads "hunting season closed - go away"!!!!
That's a good one. I have a few close friends that always come when asked. I don't ask often since I can generally do what needs done but it's a lot for one guy to make headway on other improvements at times too. They don't hunt my property even though I've offered.
Do you think 20 acres will be enough???? LOL I'll bet you'll need 20 acres for parking once hunting season comes in but getting anyone to help when the HEAT is on, shooting lanes need clearing and planting done is a no brainer.
It will be a lonely 20 acres.
Might as well plant it in clover and let them park on that.

Remarkably, I would not lose a second of sleep worrying about whether the clover could handle the traffic! I am a lot like the person that said he hates to ask, because he has more free time. I am a little like that. I either have all free time and tons of it, or I have no free time. I also know I work a lot more than any person that hunts at my farm. It would be fair to say I probably work almost twice as much as 90 percent of them.

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I hear ya. Between working at the farm or the lack of. And not following the rules while hunting the farm, my list of hunters was severely sliced after last season. I'm down to to my son, my brother, a guy who's afraid to shoot anything because it's to small and his 12 year old son :). Oh and a guy who can never make it and isn't even really a hunter. Killed his first buck on my place, 156 incher. He friggin gets it and he only hunts about every 5 years.:emoji_face_palm::emoji_rolling_eyes:

I can overlook working at the farm because it's 1000 miles from home. But shooting 2.5 year old bucks when there's 4 and 5 year olds around killed it for me. Every one shot takes 4 years to replace. I could understand if 2.5 YO were hard to come by but in MO that's just not the case.
Parking lot? Maybe a back-up lane :)

I'm kind of on the other end of the spectrum. Apparently I'm a jerk. There is only one person invited to hunt my farm other than Jake and I. And he is a working beast. If he has time, he'll have me dragging behind him trying to keep up. But that's because I'm out there working when he doesn't even know it. So when he shows up he's ready for battle! For the record I enjoy working alone so I don't ask for help as often as I should. I might not get as much done alone, but that's my "me" time. Jake is off shooting stuff and I'm playing. Good times.

Oh, and I would go with alfalfa rather than clover. It will handle the traffic better.

Im with John

Habitat work is therapy.

Better than prozac

Fortunately I have a go-to work crew that really likes to get their hands dirty every so often and look forward to work days. Most of the time I work alone but my how certain tasks fly along when there's a little help on bigger projects. 4 or 5 men on saws doing TSI...the work really flies along.
I prefer to do much of it myself as well. I agree that sometimes help would be nice, but I live at my place so getting out after work to do some of the little chores tends to not be a big deal. I like help with hanging stands and trimming lanes (once stands are up I use the other person as a "deer" to see what needs trimmed and where - as well as to assess backcover and the like) and come winter if I'm cutting larger trees (I tend to leave the tops but pull the logs out for firewood). Other than that I'll do it. I'm not a good supervisor......I tend to want things done the way I want them done and turning people loose with my stuff isn't exactly something I like to do either. If something is going to get broke or messed up - I handle it much better if I'm the one who does it.