Tree Spud
5 year old buck +
I mostly enjoy the stuff, and like I said, I usually bring most of it on myself. I am too stubborn to hire out jobs, even when I dont understand them, so I will research for hours, trying to figure out how to do everything. Right now I am finishing installing an outdoor wood boiler, I have the cement pad done, and the piping, and electrical trenched, and a shed built around the wood boiler. I just got done cutting down 3 trees to give myself more room for a wood shed that I need to put up yet. My plan for this weekend is to hang a garage heater and finish plumbing the heater lines, install 8 posts for the wood shed, frame the wood shed, spread gravel for the floor of the wood shed, then put a tin roof on it. I also need to fill the boiler full of water, add the anti corrosion chemicals to it, then fire it up. I need to have a water sample sent in by July 15th for warranty. If I dont have it completed yet, I can call them and delay the water sample another 30 days, but I want it done.
I love spending time with my wife. She enjoys the simple things, she likes to canoe, go out on the boat and have a couple beers, while I fish, she likes camp fires, going on ATV rides, and she also enjoys taking me shopping, which I dont understand, because when I go shopping with her, I am usually wandering around in other departments, or staring at my phone, and repeatedly asking if we are done yet, for some reason she still likes me, I dont get it.
I am pretty stubborn too, but i leave installation of things that can explode or start a fire (gas & electrical) to the professionals. I have found that trying to do that type of work is a huge waste of time time trying to identify all the components and then where to buy them, then if they don't work right, trying to trouble shoot. Paying for someone's expertise in some areas saves me time for other projects and makes sure things are done to code.
Regarding a project list, my list is always long and I have starting focusing on long term items that improve the property and hunting, sometimes those are separate objective's. There are critical and desirable projects. I tend to over plan but that is a good thing.
My wife is a good partner and helper. she is not the muscle but contributes alot. She has helped plant 1000s of trees over they years. I make sure I incorporate things for her interests such as cutting trails for walking the dog, flower planters/garden, etc. while i have planted over 140 apple trees for wildlife, i have a cider/eating apple orchard for her and make sure she helps to pick out types 7 flowering color. At first she though I was crazy, but the first year of blooming sold her.
Life is all about balance, we enjoy working together, but also know we need our space apart at times.