Need help on electric fence for horses


5 year old buck +
My wife and I are looking to install a fence for a horse. This will be between 1.5-2 acres of property (the length of the fence will be roughly 1200ft. We plan on running 4 or 5 lines all electrified totaling about 5-6000ft). We were told by a local fence place that you want 1 joule per mile of fence as a minimum and recommend a 3 joule setup per mile. We have been looking at different energizer options and we like the newer more digital friendly options which have nice displays showing how the fence is running the problem is most of these types are in 5+ joule category. So my first question is...can you have too high of joules for a horse fence? If so, then what would be your recommended max amount. Second question is some of the models we have interest in do not say one joule but rather say Joule low (and then a number) and Joules high (and then a number). For example, a model we are really interested in is the Parmak Range Master (RM1 model) which states Joules low 1.8 and Joules high 6.6+. Would this work for us? Be too little (low of 1.8 joules)? Be too much (high of 6.6 joules)?
I have no idea what the joules low or joules high means. I would agree with the recommendation you received of 3 joules per mile of fence. I always go a little higher, so with just over a mile of fencing, the 6.6 joule energizer should be perfect.

A couple tips for you. Grounding is just about the most important factor in your fence operating well. Make sure you follow the instructions included on depth of your grounding rods, and space between them. Also, in periods of drought the fence will not ground well, so you may have to soak the ground where your rods are. The digital voltage display on that model of fencer should let you know when your fence gets weaker due to poor grounding.

Also, if at all possible plug the fencer directly into an outlet. If you do need an extension cord, go with the shortest one needed, and largest gauge, like 12. The smaller the gauge and longer the cord, the greater the loss of power.