My experience with “Buffalo Farming”

Why do you terminate your clover after a year? My Durana doesnt even get going good until after the first year. Even wheat here will cost low $20’s per acre to plant - and it is once and done.
I do have a couple of clover plots but for the most part I plant high diversity mixes. So if I plant clover, chicory, wheat, rye, and some radishes in the fall... then overseed some beans, pumpkins, sorghums, and millets into that mix late spring... then I will probably terminate the plot the next fall to start a new mix. Since I don't till most of the clovers actually don't die when I spray gly so they do stick around some, but I'll add new clover seed anyway. My mixes change most yrs. I try to balance legumes with compatible nitrogen lovers but occasionally I'll go with a mix that is mostly legumes for a summer.

Short answer; I terminate to add a new mix. I really don't do "clover plots" as much as just incorporate clover into my plots.

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