Mountain Ash?


5 year old buck +
I keep track of some trees on my travel path between home and camp. There’s a mountain ash behind a gas station I like to look at. Always loaded with fruit. Would that make a good tree for around the plots for deer or grouse?



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Idk about deer and grouse but cedar wax wings love Mountain Ash
Red deer browse on it.
Regardless that would be a nice tree in the fall and winter. Kinda winter berry like.
My knowledge of them is only vicarious, but I have read that they are a good browse species for deer. Native Americans used the fruits for various medicinal purposes and blended them with other foods. Some sources say they can be used to make jams and jellies. I kind of researched them a few years ago but never ended up planting any.
The deer certainly liked the one I planted in the yard years ago. Ate it down to a stub overnight because I didn't have a cage around it.
Deer love to browse on Mountain ash. Deer eat the berries once they turn orange. Birds also like the berries. In winter time I hang a trailcam on my Mountain Ash tree by my house. Get tons of pics of deer.
Mountain Ash is a great grouse food however the grouse usually never get a chance to utilize due to songbirds wiping them clean during migration.
At least that is how it works in my corner of lower Michigan. I have one in my front yard that I planted in 2018 or '19 and it gets stripped by bluebirds most frequently but waxwings, jays, and others use it too. Japanese beetles can do a lot of damage if you don't spray regularly.