Below are pictures of my second food plot that I have planted. It's on a completely different property than my first one i have planted for 3 years. My first has been a great success. This one as you can see is not so good. Here are the details to this plot that was admittedly rushed. The total area is approximately .42 acres. It was an old opening from previous logging that had been done over years. There was a mixture of grass, ferns and various vegetation that was maybe 3' tall. I went in with a backpack sprayer on Thursday July 28th in the afternoon. 3 days later, July 31st on Sunday morning I came in with my 23 HP tractor and 4' tiller along with my industrial weed whacker. I weed whacked the entire area to expose the many field stones that were present. I then spread only (2) 50lb bags of 19-19-19 fertilizer. I picked as many visible stones as I could see and then tilled in all the vegetation & fertilizer, until I had dirt exposed (along with about a dozen bucket loads of fieldstones I removed after tilling). Not having my ATV or a cultipacker, I drove over the plot with my tractor to pack. Then broadcast a bag of shot plot (barkant turnip and barsicca rape), sized for 1/2 acre.
I checked the plot 3 weeks later, and it was not looking good. We had rain immediately after I planted, but then nothing for rain for 2 weeks. I'm wondering if the seedlings had emerged and the hot sun killed them? Plot looked like a dirt plot. (pic file size to large to upload).
I went back with 50lbs of winter rye and half a bag of Urea. I spread urea on the plants that were growing, which was nearly all turnip. The rape seems to have been a total failure. This past weekend 9/4/16 I checked after the rye had been broadcast for 7 days with one day of rain and not a single seed had germinated. Turkeys seem to be vacuuming up the WR seed, which was a bummer also. Turnips were growing, but look stunted and already growing small bulbs. Very different from my other plot. I took a soil sample and brought to UVM to test. Results are due 9/12 so I can formulate a plan for 2017 planting.
I picked up a second bag of WR because the turkeys did a number on the first bag. I plan on going back tonight (9/8) to broadcast the WR and the other half bag of Urea. Am I hurting the germination of the WR, by also broadcasting Urea? Rain is in the forecast for tonight as well as Saturday night. All I have read about Urea and seed is NOT to do it with corn seed. Curious about WR also? I should note that I did not put Urea everywhere because the turnip/rape didn't grow everywhere. Some areas there was only WR seed and it also did not germinate. I appreciate any advice.
Thank you,
I checked the plot 3 weeks later, and it was not looking good. We had rain immediately after I planted, but then nothing for rain for 2 weeks. I'm wondering if the seedlings had emerged and the hot sun killed them? Plot looked like a dirt plot. (pic file size to large to upload).
I went back with 50lbs of winter rye and half a bag of Urea. I spread urea on the plants that were growing, which was nearly all turnip. The rape seems to have been a total failure. This past weekend 9/4/16 I checked after the rye had been broadcast for 7 days with one day of rain and not a single seed had germinated. Turkeys seem to be vacuuming up the WR seed, which was a bummer also. Turnips were growing, but look stunted and already growing small bulbs. Very different from my other plot. I took a soil sample and brought to UVM to test. Results are due 9/12 so I can formulate a plan for 2017 planting.

I picked up a second bag of WR because the turkeys did a number on the first bag. I plan on going back tonight (9/8) to broadcast the WR and the other half bag of Urea. Am I hurting the germination of the WR, by also broadcasting Urea? Rain is in the forecast for tonight as well as Saturday night. All I have read about Urea and seed is NOT to do it with corn seed. Curious about WR also? I should note that I did not put Urea everywhere because the turnip/rape didn't grow everywhere. Some areas there was only WR seed and it also did not germinate. I appreciate any advice.
Thank you,