More apples than I have ever seen


5 year old buck +
I visited Orr Orchards in Martinsburg, WV today. I would have loved to have walked some of the orchards and looked at how the trees had grown and developed over the years. Unfortunately, the employees with whom I spoke did not seem to be to receptive to that idea. Nevertheless, I was able to drive the roads and look at ton of trees hundreds and hundreds of acres of trees. Here are some photos and I will provide some more information and take aways next.

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Okay having trouble attaching photos but I will get it eventually. It always says the files are too large.

Here are some of my immediate take aways.

1. The bark on all the trees was flawless. You could tell these trees have always been taken care of by the best.
2. The number of apples on trees that still had apples was unimaginable.
3. I would not say the trees were trained to a central leader and laterals. I also would not say they were trained to an open tree in the center either.
4. They did train or manage the trees to great crotch angles and super large laterals to hold the weight.
5. When the prune they do not remove the pruned limbs or at least not the small ones. They were still on the ground.
6. To me it appeared as though the trees were pruned and maintained with a focus on light and air. If the fruit was going to be able to get both, they let it roll. I even say water sprouts with lots of fruit on the limb, but it was always in a place where it did not interfere with other fruit.

Really enjoyed the visit.

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Use MSPaint to open your pictures and Resize them by half or so.
Cameras nowadays take stupid-high-res photos!
Otherwise if you are using the Windows 10 Photos application, open the picture to view and click on the three dots in the top middle above your picture for more options. A resize option is about 5 or 6 choices down
Screenshot 2022-09-22 202459.png
I live 15 minutes from adams county PA orchard country and I always enjoy driving through the back roads there looking at all the apples
Thanks for uploading tips, but I work from and I-pad and it would not allow me to add more photos to the Gallery until I went away for awhile lol.

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