Monster buck


OK well not so much. YET!

What's the chance this is a early born button. Do they ever poke through?

If so maybe has the potential to become one.........If not he's a dink.
I need a shed to dog to find those things.

The toughest sheds to find....and the mark of a very good shed hunter! If you're fortunate to live in an area that produces big antlered bucks....the shed hunting can be easy.
The toughest sheds to find....and the mark of a very good shed hunter! If you're fortunate to live in an area that produces big antlered bucks....the shed hunting can be easy.

I think they would impossible unless you tripped over them.

Curious if anyone thinks it could be a fawn that broke a little horn. Is that even possible?
if you shed hunt enough your bound to put boots on the ground close enough to them and your eyes should be "honed" enough to pick them out.....not impossible...but with a lot of luck and some skill plausible.

I don't see why it would be impossible for a buck fawn to poke through....highly unlikely...yes...but not impossible i would think.
My son was out years ago running around in the swamp behind our house and he found a shed that wasnt even 3 inches. Only shed he has ever found too. HAA

out in swamp grass thats 3ft tall. No clue how the heck he ever found that thing out there....
That is a pretty common looking buck for my area.
Definitely possible, I saw a button buck in Ripley years ago, with his mother so there was no doubt it was a fawn, and he had about an inch of bone sticking out through each button.
Forget the shed dog you'll need a magnyifing glass.
In MO, I'd say 50/50 between it being a really late born 1.5 and a "super nubbin." I've got somewhere around 5 super nubs running around various properties this year and another 4-5 that have spikes and body sizes similar to yours...When they have fawn sized bodies and .5-1.5" hard "nubs" I feel it's a safe bet on super nubs. When they have fawn sized bodies and 1.5-3" hard antlers, I view it as a toss up between super nub and absolute runt 1.5
Looked closer at this and a few other angles of him and I can't find anything that would make him stand out to identify next year.

Wish he had a sock, a patch, anything. It would be interesting to know him and see what next year brought. Of course moms going to run him off if he's a button.
I found this one this past spring on my driveway. I had him on trail camera. My 7 year son thought it was awesome to find it.
Looked closer at this and a few other angles of him and I can't find anything that would make him stand out to identify next year.

Wish he had a sock, a patch, anything. It would be interesting to know him and see what next year brought. Of course moms going to run him off if he's a button.

Shoot mom and odds are he'll stay. Then, to both ID him and keep him safe, you can do what a guy from a big city suggested to me last yr...Shoot him with a paint ball gun, with permanent paint. Then, tell the neighbors that this buck is yours and that they can't shoot any of the deer with paint spots, but that they are welcome to "mark" their own deer with a different color. That way, you have your deer to hunt and they can hunt theirs, but you don't have to worry about any of you shooting the other people's deer. He was dead serious when he told me this and truly believed he'd solved the management problem of neighbors shooting deer you'd rather they didn't.
Shoot mom and odds are he'll stay. Then, to both ID him and keep him safe, you can do what a guy from a big city suggested to me last yr...Shoot him with a paint ball gun, with permanent paint. Then, tell the neighbors that this buck is yours and that they can't shoot any of the deer with paint spots, but that they are welcome to "mark" their own deer with a different color. That way, you have your deer to hunt and they can hunt theirs, but you don't have to worry about any of you shooting the other people's deer. He was dead serious when he told me this and truly believed he'd solved the management problem of neighbors shooting deer you'd rather they didn't.

That's funny. I would have told him I wish I thought of that in junior high when it came to girls. :D
I'm the spike finding King. I've got several, although this is Vermont, there are tons of them here. 028.JPG
I had a similar deer on camera this year and couldn't tell if he was a fawn or a 1.5 YO. I finally got a shot of his face in profile and that sealed the deal at a 1.5 YO…he had a long nose that did not have that short triangular shape that fawns tend to have. Do you have a profile shot of him?

Edit: It's tough to tell in the straight on shot, but looking at your pic again his nose appears to look more long and narrow than short and triangular.
I had a similar deer on camera this year and couldn't tell if he was a fawn or a 1.5 YO. I finally got a shot of his face in profile and that sealed the deal at a 1.5 YO…he had a long nose that did not have that short triangular shape that fawns tend to have. Do you have a profile shot of him?

Edit: It's tough to tell in the straight on shot, but looking at your pic again his nose appears to look more long and narrow than short and triangular.

Gotta go back and look for more. His nose does look long.

Here's another. Unfortunately when he turn to leave his head was out f the pic so there aren't any profile pics.

That's funny. I would have told him I wish I thought of that in junior high when it came to girls. :D

Now that's funny