MN Wolf Update


5 year old buck +
Sounds like there are some rebels up north that may be taking the wolf situation into their own hands. There were two reports of wolves found dead in the ODN this week. One was shot(Hill City), and one was dumped in a river(Roseau).
When I get one I will dump it on your land.
Wolves? I only thought they are big coyotes?
Awe shucks. That's too bad. One of the ranchers by my land has resorted to sleeping in the barn to keep track of his cows that are calving. Apparently the local wolves have been sneaking up closer to the barn yard than he would like.
With the tree huggers de-listing them, SSS will increase. That's for sure!

With the tree huggers de-listing them, SSS will increase. That's for sure!


So true John. The delisting does not leave those raising cattle many options.
So true John. The delisting does not leave those raising cattle many options.
These cattleman have dealt with wolves for years. Local "officials" are understanding.
If I still hunted up north I would keep a lot of sugar substitutes at my camp. You don't want your hunting partners to get diabetes.
Same deal with the elk in NW MN. Somebody in St Paul wants elk there but the farmers dont and they are showing up dead. And we are scratching our heads as to why the elk herd wont grow.
A Federal trapper and DNR employee told my Grandpa to shoot every one of them.
A Federal trapper and DNR employee told my Grandpa to shoot every one of them.
I remember a story from the past. a rancher from northern Mn. called the game warden and said wolves were harassing his cattle at calving time. The reply was that is must be a stray dog. Rancher says NO, they are wolves. The game warden replies-They are stray dogs and any dog more than a mile from home should be shot. Then the game warden hung up on the phone.

Legend or truth, I have no idea.
I remember when we had stray dogs on the property and the game warden reminded me that they were chasing me and the kids.