Mix up your plot!

West Branch

5 year old buck +
Saw one of the nifty food plot seed products the other day. Don't know if it is new or has been around for a while but I hadn't seen it before. You can mix up your plot with 0.6 lbs of turnip, radish or chicory for $10! Seems like a heckuva deal... Some BOB products may not be too bad for small plots but it is crazy that people would buy this!

funny how a cool label and bottle will get people to buy it.
C'mon Man! It is the "Everyday Low Price" no way you could go wrong there!:rolleyes:
it's a great idea, easier for someone that didn't plan their plots to say, "wow this is cool I want this in my Tecomate clover" while it's on the shelf than to run to the Co op. all while harvest makes 600%+ margin on the radish, at our retail cost. so imagine how much that $10 product is really worth! I'd be broke if I bought seed this way! one great thing the forums have brought me is to try and understand what you're planting and why, which gets me to make my own mixes and I buy Co op seed and not high margin seed. :)
Probably a good product for procrastinators like me. I spent around $15 or $17 for a 5 lb bag of purple top turnips. Not as bad as the product shown above but probably still more expensive than from a coop. The difference is the product is there, I don't have to order it ahead of time, and the store is open on the weekend. I'm pretty sure my coop is closed on Sunday and probably most of the year on Saturday.

BOB seed is kind of like a gate way drug. You start out small and products like this doesn't seem so bad, then all of a sudden you are planting 5 acres of plots and its just not affordable anymore. You have to start looking for more affordable options and plan ahead in case the coop has to order your seed.
That chicory bottle is probably the closest thing to fair priced on the shelf & that looks like dunhams.....
Even though I have a small 1/2 acre plot I still get my seed bulk form the coop. Got to save money you know for my shed and tractor. :)
Fleet Farm has it on their shelves.
Probably a good product for procrastinators like me. I spent around $15 or $17 for a 5 lb bag of purple top turnips. Not as bad as the product shown above but probably still more expensive than from a coop. The difference is the product is there, I don't have to order it ahead of time, and the store is open on the weekend. I'm pretty sure my coop is closed on Sunday and probably most of the year on Saturday.

BOB seed is kind of like a gate way drug. You start out small and products like this doesn't seem so bad, then all of a sudden you are planting 5 acres of plots and its just not affordable anymore. You have to start looking for more affordable options and plan ahead in case the coop has to order your seed.

That doesn't seem too bad too bad for the turnips as long as their wasn't a high % of coating. I think I paid 2.50 lb (12.50 for 5 lbs) at our local coop but the coop was more convenient for me than anywhere else. 5 lbs of mix up your plot turnips would have cost someone about $85 if I did my math right!!

My uncle bought Tillage Radishes on Amazon this past summer. He bought them for eating since someone was telling him about the health benefits. But he was only planting a couple hundred sq ft so even the 1/2 lb he bought was more than he needed. But the suggested planting rate they gave it would have been $215 to plant an acre!
it's definitely convenient, so it satisfies that market niche and is a brilliant idea. for those that don't care or in a hurry it's the perfect thing to have it on the shelf where you buy your other hunting stuff.

when I go to the Co op I'm like a kid in a candy store. prices are good too, where I think tillage radish is just north of $3/#. of course, you get the exact seed you want at the rate you want too, which is moreso the greatest benefit. plus, merchants in our town have a very poor selection for seed so its the widest selection as well.