5 year old buck +
I'm lucky to be retired and have all my trees planted here on the land I live on. I take a walk most mornings to check on my trees and usually carry a can of Sevin with me for bug control on my smaller trees. I like dusting tent caterpillars as their about to munch down on a tender leaf :D.
This is a Florina apple tree grown from a scion from Paul (Aerospacefarmer) grafted last spring on B118, planted last fall, and producing apples this spring. :(Sadly I pinched off these little beauties so as not to stunt the tree. Most of the leaf damage you see are from several hail storms we've had this spring.
I've read about bagging apples on the tree to get blemish free apples. I thought I'd try it on this Ashmead Kernel tree that I'm anxious to taste. I used ziplock sandwich bags with the corners cut off for ventilation. If it works I'll show the results this fall.
Some off topic pics.
I have birdboxes scattered about on the Back40 and have Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, and Chickadees nesting in some.
A Chickadee on her little ones.
Another box of Chickadees about ready to fledge.
A Tree Swallow on her nest. I didn't realize she was nesting and had knocked a couple of wasps off their nest on the inside of the roof down on to her nest.
A box of Bluebirds ready to fledge.
I'm lucky enough to have a vernal pond on my land. I enjoy sitting by it and watching the wildlife it attracts.
Yesterday I noticed a large number of tadpoles sunning themselves. They're probably Wood Frogs cause I had a ton of them breeding there earlier this spring, although I also saw some Spotted Salamander eggs in the pond.
Thanks for taking the walk with me.

This is a Florina apple tree grown from a scion from Paul (Aerospacefarmer) grafted last spring on B118, planted last fall, and producing apples this spring. :(Sadly I pinched off these little beauties so as not to stunt the tree. Most of the leaf damage you see are from several hail storms we've had this spring.

I've read about bagging apples on the tree to get blemish free apples. I thought I'd try it on this Ashmead Kernel tree that I'm anxious to taste. I used ziplock sandwich bags with the corners cut off for ventilation. If it works I'll show the results this fall.

Some off topic pics.
I have birdboxes scattered about on the Back40 and have Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, and Chickadees nesting in some.
A Chickadee on her little ones.

Another box of Chickadees about ready to fledge.

A Tree Swallow on her nest. I didn't realize she was nesting and had knocked a couple of wasps off their nest on the inside of the roof down on to her nest.

A box of Bluebirds ready to fledge.

I'm lucky enough to have a vernal pond on my land. I enjoy sitting by it and watching the wildlife it attracts.

Yesterday I noticed a large number of tadpoles sunning themselves. They're probably Wood Frogs cause I had a ton of them breeding there earlier this spring, although I also saw some Spotted Salamander eggs in the pond.

Thanks for taking the walk with me.